A walk in the forest a long time ago…

I was pottering around the website this morning and decided to add probably one of the most powerful strategies/conversations I began to use within my own life many years ago when I was studying.

One day whilst feeling very inadequate to be able to retain the philosophies I was learning I decided to walk away from the books and go for a walk in the forest.

It wasn’t long after that that I began to realise, I am not just learning this information, I am remembering it from deep within me. I also realised how could I compare myself or my ability to the other students in my class. Did they have the same life experiences, challenges or situations that I did?

It was a powerful moment of realisation that never again can I ever allow my mind to create the doubt or negativity. As long as I knew I had dedicated myself to any situation with all that I had at that moment, I knew it was the best that I could do.

So what was the realisation? That no one else across time has ever tried to have the life I was living, it was my life and it is so unique, so beautiful perhaps with moments of challenges and yet so inspiring. I had learnt how to rise above, adapt and heal. I was the one writing the story! No one else!

Comparing to others was not celebrating the uniqueness of MY LIFE. It was not honouring it or the creations within it I had the potential to create. No one else was living my life with all my experiences or roles I have. To compare to another was to not celebrate my life. I had to dedicate to making it mine that by knowing if I was present and kind I had to trust that I AM ENOUGH!

I hope that by sharing this it might help you to realise what an amazing person and what incredible potential you have.

Shine Bright!

Alli xxx


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