Are You Ignoring the Feeling of Change Stirring Within?

How’s your week been?  

Life is always full of surprises with its ups and “not so ups” as I like to call it, isn’t it?

This week I wanted to chat with you about feeling that inner desire for change? Perhaps it's a feeling within, perhaps it's an inner voice. Perhaps it’s a feeling of going under in your life and you don’t know how to grab a life line to keep your head above all your demands.

The main thing is that you know there is a need for change. I think that is the big one.  If something isn’t working for you, then you know that deep inside, don’t you?

If ever in my life I knew I needed to create change but didn’t think I could do it, I always pictured myself chatting with one of my girlfriends. If she was talking to me about what I was thinking about myself, how I would encourage her to give it a go, to trust herself even if it felt a little uncomfortable. 

Sometimes we need to let ourselves feel uncomfortable to feel the possibilities of who we can become. 

I can tell you there have been plenty of times I have felt that “uncomfortable, uncertain” feeling. But I always applied this image and it worked like gold everytime.

So my question is, why don’t we do this for ourselves; trust and believe in our own abilities? Easy, because we help others apply their mask first before we put our own on. Remember from last week about how important it is to apply your own mask first?

Small steps, making the change, believing in you. 

Whatever it is, don’t think it is too big. Just feel it and follow it and remember nothing happens in one leap. But you have to take one step forward to begin the journey.

What will your step in your journey to positive self change be this week?

  • Being kinder in your thoughts and inner dialogue about yourself?

  • Would you say what you are thinking to a girlfriend?

  • Believing in you like you believe in others?

  • Noticing your breath more?

  • Taking 3-5 minutes to stand on the grass?

  • Eating better?

  • Drinking more water?

  • Getting more sleep?

Have an amazing week being you and remember to shine bright and brilliant!



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Apply Your Mask First Please (*No it’s not what you think!)