It’s Ok to Love Your Life…
Hope your week has been gentle.
This week in a time where many people are hurting, I ask the question: "Do you sometimes feel guilty because your life is going ok?"
Now don’t get me wrong I know not every day can be a huge success. I too have the challenges life brings, but I hear so many women telling me they hide their successes because their girlfriend’s business isn’t doing as well, or that they don’t talk about how great their relationship is or that they love their life because friends or colleagues are struggling in theirs.
Why is there this feeling that we have to hide loving our life? Why do we feel we can’t be honest with each other?
I think it comes from that good-old, unwelcomed acquaintance “comparisonitis”. When will this guy get the hint that it is no longer welcome within our inner dialogue?
We are all aware life has ups and not-so ups; that is the nature of life. If it didn’t, we wouldn’t grow, learn, heal and thrive. We wouldn’t find resilience, compassion, trust and empathy. One of the greatest gifts we give ourselves is to live grounded in each moment. That each moment we have a new opportunity to think and to act. In that new moment we are able to empower and create.
So how can we cultivate owning and celebrating our successes and “non-successes”? (I don’t use the word failure. To me you never fail at anything. You simply hit a dead end and know you need a different tact.) I believe the answer to this is simple. Begin to acknowledge, be grateful and be prepared to celebrate our successes. Not selfishly, rub-it-in-your-face type of way, but in a way that inspires others. This will then enable you to find more gratitude and resilience when things aren't so great. It helps us to see the forever changing nature of life.
There are many amazing men and women out there doing amazing things. Don’t they deserve to be cheered for? Aren’t you worthy of that too? Can’t we celebrate together guilt free? Be there honestly when things aren't so great?
In my line of work I often find women are holding themselves back without really noticing. They have a subconscious pattern of thinking that they are not worthy of success or wealth and so they do this or that in their life or career that gives them little wins but not the bigger ones they deserve. They will be the first to help someone else achieve or celebrate success but struggle to find the ability to do so for themselves. I will share and be transparent with you and say I had this too!
Have you ever felt like you didn’t give it your full potential because you were stuck in an old way of thinking? That you just couldn’t imagine what it would be like to actually succeed and own and celebrate the success? That this feeling has held you back from trusting your idea or possible creation? If we ground in each moment, we tap into the ability to create real change...
Let me know what you think?
Have a great week sharing all the magic you are.