Let’s Pause and Breathe

As I write this Blog it has never been more important that we all pause and breathe. Life is full of experiences, that is for sure. A place where we live, learn and love. Breathing is often talked about, everyone knows they need to do it.

But how often in a 24 hour period do you actually pause and breathe?

I mean really BREATHE! Fully immersed in the action, no other thought or focus?

There is a huge difference. Without deep and mindful breathing our bodies and immunity may become depleted. Our reaction to stress increases and our reactive fight or flight response is heightened. All because we do not think to pause and breathe well.

If you are unsure what it means to breath well, simply begin by noticing your breath and you are on your way.

Ask yourself, in the last 24 hours how many times did I stop and think about my breath?

Maybe try it. Stop, breathe in, be aware of it, even say “I am breathing in….then as you breathe out I am breathing out….” So simple but yet so powerful in helping support your physical and mental health. You will feel calmer instantly.

Breathe well,



Entering a New Era


Oh No Not Again!