New Day New Beginning
Welcome to this week’s blog.
Thank you to everyone who emailed me in response to last week’s newsletter/blog. Incredible stories from patients & students of how beginning the morning stillness has changed their entire life, mentally, emotionally & physically. It is humbling if anything I have shared has helped someone to align to their true essence. Seeing the transformation in others is my inspiration.
It is hard to hide the passion I feel in sharing the gifts that are the lifestyle of Yoga & Ayurveda. It is so relevant to our “modern lifestyle” where we have gained so much in technology, but perhaps at the cost of a simple, slower pace of life.
I believe the way we begin our day is how we set our day. I see my morning routine as the ingredients/colours I choose to create my day with. If my ingredients are congruent to that which I wish to experience & live then the result will flow. If it is in contradiction the day will feel jagged & uneasy.
A myth I would like to quash is that a morning routine needs to be complicated or contain a meditation cushion. Whilst for many including myself, a meditation cushion is a much loved sanctuary, for the majority of the people I speak to it is not part of their everyday existence. I share that I believe that to pause in the shower, empty the mind & to feel the running water on your skin, or pause whilst at the kitchen sink can be a meditative experience, a deeply connected space if the intent is true. To be mindful to the very moment you are experiencing & to connect to your breath. This is the essence of the heart connected lifestyle, mindful living, to tap into your inner sanctuary, despite the external environment.
I often share that to begin with, 5 minutes can be life changing. Some tips for beginning your day with connection…
1. If possible, rise before 6:30am, this helps us gain the momentum of the sunrise, the day & helps align to our circadian rhythms.
2. Upon rising spit, teeth clean & tongue scrap to remove toxins (click here for my information sheet)
3. Sip a glass of warm water prior to your morning coffee/tea, This will help to flush the toxins through the body.
4. Five mindful breaths or (3-5 minutes) wherever you choose to do (standing on grass, sitting on the edge of your bed, looking out a window, in the shower. In through the nose, out slowly through your mouth at first then in & out the nose. Acknowledge new day, new canvas to create your life.
If you welcome your day in this way it will not take long before you begin to feel the deeply centering benefits of its presence in your day. As a woman with a life where I am known by many roles I am aware that “balance” is unattainable, it is always moving, to “center” in ourselves where we are able to then create health boundaries & choices between our private & work life. The bridge of centering begins each day as we enter a new day.
I invite you to perhaps look at how you begin your day. Is it working for you? Does it give you the ingredients that you are looking for to create the day where you feel fulfilled & nourished. Yes, it is possible to feel this way each day.
If you would like to know any more tips or speak with me you are more than welcomed to reach out via the contact page.
May you inspire yourself this week.