Redefine Through Empowered Choices
Welcome to this week’s offering. Firstly thank you to everyone who applied for the “Spring into You” scholarships into my program. It was an incredible honour to speak with so many amazing women. I will be contacting the three ladies who received the full scholarships in the next few days. It will be an absolute privilege to walk beside them on their journeys of discovery and healing.
In the newsletters/blogs recently we have been discussing how many of us are aware that things are changing. That we can no longer ignore the inner stirrings as we redefine and empower ourselves to create how we would like our lives to be and “spring cleaning” the clutter/demands/old patterns that are no longer aligned with us.
Many are realising that there are behaviours, patterns or beliefs that were not theirs to own, but rather an ancestral behaviour or belief system that have run their course and is now in our hands and hearts to evolve and heal past them.
It takes recognition to be aware of this, it takes courage to take the steps to evolve it. I see you, I honour your courage, that you know within you is a power, a light so strong it deserves to shine. Not because you wish to outshine another, to prove anything to anyone. You feel your light wanting to dance in its freedom, to laugh, to be joyful to experience the sweetness of life.
We truly gain this when we free ourselves from the patterns that were never ours to own. But first we must get to know who we are, what are our true beliefs, choices and what are learnt behaviours.
Consciousness is expanding and we are being supported more than ever to nurture responsibility in our actions and decisions. Asking ourselves “Do I react from old patterns and past hurts or do I nurture my own communication skills with myself first and then I am able to communicate more clearly with others?”
How is this done? By sitting with yourself each day, a few moments will begin the process, following your breath, feel your sacred heart space and your inner joy. Each day gently inquire within, “Is what I am doing today and the choices I am choosing aligned to my joy?” It will not take too long until you begin to gain a clear perspective of who you are, and the things you wish to create in your world. The result? - Absolute freedom, grace, joy and love.
Everyday we are given choices, it is in the clear communication within our own hearts and minds that we are able to create from an empowered place of love. May you inspire yourself in every breath.