Thank You

Welcome, I trust your week has been a good one.

I wanted to write, share and thank many of you who have written in about my recent co-authored book launch of Threshold - Stories of Initiation.  Wow, what a positive response was received from around the world.

The book went Number 1 Best-Seller on multiple categories (nine in Australia and two in the United States) and Best Seller across all categories in Amazon within hours of being released.

I am humbled to be part of a project where fifteen women chose to share their story with the intention to inspire others of the inner strength and resilience that the human has.  That in a time of great change, listening to the inner Self can have transformative results personally and professionally.

For myself personally it has been an incredibly freeing experience.  I am forever grateful to those of you who have supported me through this journey and to those of you who I have now had the honour of meeting through the book.

The 3D book launch will be last week in July  and we will be holding some local Mid-North Coast Newcastle and Central Coast events over the coming months. 

I am also taking part within a Facebook Summit of all the authors of which you are welcome to attend the week of 24th July.  I will be sharing more about that in the coming weeks. 

I am honoured to be of service, to walk beside women who know it is time, that the inner voice is guiding them to rediscover the passion and follow their "True North."

Again from my heart, in gratitude.



A Softer, Kinder Approach


The Gift of Patience