Can you believe we are already into February? Thank you to everyone for your support of last week’s honesty and my recovery, all is going well.
This week I thought I would share a topic I often work within my clinic and program, The Transformation Project. Years ago I had a career within the legal profession and we often used things called “watermarks.” Have you heard of them? It is either a faint word (often "draft") or logo placed across a document to protect or define it from the final document.
Well for me, that career was a lifetime ago. Years later, whilst creating the program and counselling in clinic, I began to use this analogy to help people recognise why, when they were feeling light and positive in their movement forward in healing. All of a sudden they would experience little triggers causing their nervous system to heighten and responses revisited to the past challenges or traumas in their lives. These were the "watermarks."
Once you realise it is like a faint watermark in the nervous system you are empowered to begin to work with tools and strategies I have developed. You are free to truly be free of the hold your past may have over how you are living your life now. We have helped many women with everything from PTSD, anxiety, trauma, insomnia, claustrophobia, fear of public speaking and so much more.
So if you know or suspect you may have some “watermarks” from the past that keep negatively influencing your life now, why not reach out and have a chat to hear a few of the tips to begin to help them fade for good.
We are all aware that the past, is the past, that the future will unfold and what you do now is the most important moment you have to work with. Often easier said than done. That is where I am inspired and honoured to support. By being free to truly live in the present moment, without the watermarks and old patterns in your nervous system and neural pathway responses, you are unstoppable at creating and living the life you were born to live.
May you inspire yourself this week and choose to do something just for you. Something to support your healing and growth. If I am able to help, you know you only need to reach out via contact page.