What is the Bank of Good Health
I wanted to start this week’s blog thanking you for the wonderful emails and messages I received thanking me for raising the importance of taking responsibility for the changes we wish to make in our life.
I believe the topic I have chosen for this newsletter will help build on last week’s subject. As I write this to you I find myself feeling a little tired and aware of just how big the last couple of years have been. So I thought, why not chat to you about the Vedic way of understanding the “bank of good health.”
As an Vedic Practitioner (Practitioner of Ayurveda & Yoga) I know all too well how important sustained good health is reflected by our daily choices. The things we choose to think, our mindset, the foods we choose to consume, and how often we consume them and in what mental environment we do that. It also depends on the actions we take; do we exercise, do we have down time or are we always stimulated and running on adrenaline?
The easiest way to share this with you is also the simplest analogy we can all relate to and it goes a little like this….
Have you ever had a loan?
If the answer is yes, great, if the answer is no, please imagine you have one.
You get given a line of credit (in this case it is your line of credit of good health).
While you are young, it seems like you have SO MUCH to spend, and it almost even seems like you spend away and the balance doesn’t seem to even go down! It is the perfect loan and you are not even being asked to make any payments as yet or give anything in return.
BUT as you get older the amount you spend becomes more evident, the reserves that seemed to easily replenish itself are now sluggish and sometimes not refilled at all. We begin to see ourselves going into debt.
If we do not listen to the philosophy of being aware that our everyday actions have a huge impact on our health we will never truly take responsibility for our own health or the way we spend our good health until it is too late.
As we get older the “institution/bank” so to speak calls the loan back in. If you have spent through overindulgence or ignorance of going into the constant overdraft of adrenaline, overthinking, poor eating habits, poor lifestyle habits which affect everything from hormone levels, cell regeneration to organ function, you will find it hard to pay the loan back and the body will reflect this in the form of dis-ease and fatigue. You begin to see the “overspending” in the form of break-down within the body’s health.
My analogy above, hopefully helps you to realise that what I share with you about the simple things in life, breath, good food, rest, open communication and listening within yourself and with others, are not fantasies to think about doing in the future. But are all things which are easily obtainable in the NOW. They will reduce your spending on your health and better still give you outstanding interest/joy in your life.
I once heard a wise soul say - “human’s in their younger years spend their health to create wealth and in the older years spend all their wealth trying to regain their health!”
Food for thought - isn’t it. I hope this newsletter helps you to realise how waiting until life gets easier or slower could be spending from your health.
Have a great week.