Inner Light Podcast
Welcome to the space where the light within you meets the boundless light of the Universe.
In this space, we embrace the journey of self-exploration, seeking to understand the inner workings of our minds, hearts and souls. We believe in the power of reflection, the significance of holding space for introspection and the magic that happens when like-minded individuals come to share their insights.
Our mission is to guide you on a transformative journey towards greater self-awareness, personal empowerment and a deeper connection with the universal energies that flow through us all.
So whether you’re here to relax, seek inspiration or simply connect with kindred spirits, Inner Light is here to help illuminate your path and nurture your inner growth. Welcome to a space where the light within you meets the boundless light of the Universe.
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The Inner Light Podcast Story
Alli was gifted the art of “Sharing Journey” many years ago by her teacher and friend Kristine Gibson. Alli then spent years delving deeper into the practice as she expanded in her own spiritual growth and path. Those who have been in Alli’s presence within class or retreats have immersed within these guided sacred spaces of true deep healing and connection.
Alli was constantly asked “Do you have a cd? Could you please tape that for me? Is there anywhere I can hear your recorded voice? Whilst Alli found this all very humbling she was unsure of how to bring it to bloom.
It was not until the universe guided a new student to Alli’s classes who experienced her Journey work. The student was also a production angel in the form of Stacey Morgan of Morgan Media ( Stacey with the tools and expertise to take a concept to fruition created an easy flowing process. Together with talented international musician friend Jo Kelly of Café Mantra Music ( agreeing to provide the gentle music backdrop. Alli now had all she needed to share her talent of guiding people into an insight, a doorway as Alli would say into the other and inner realms into the healing light that lies within.
Alli comments “I do not see the Inner Light Podcast as my own work, but as a gift from many across the dimensions. In this expanding consciousness it is even more important that people learn the skills to feel and live from the inner peace and light of their Divine Heart.”
Alli offers Inner Light Podcast as a work of seva (Sanskrit for service) to enable others to experience their true nature - Divinity.
May Your Inner Light Shine Brightly,