Aligning & Living with Inner & Outer Peace

Welcome to this week’s blog.

Aren’t the week’s flying past?

It often reflects to me how important it is that we get started and make the most of each day. To start the projects we want to create in our health/life, before we know it will be the end of the year and we will have wished we had started earlier.

I am so grateful to receive emails of thanks from the readers each week, it appears many of our readers continue to resonate with the newsletter topics on how we create our life and physical/mental health through moment by moment choice, mindset and trust.

My idea behind the topics over the last month have been to help continue a deepening conversation supporting your inner voice to be heard louder than your mind.

We are in a time of great change on so many levels, humanity is being asked to realise it’s time to awaken, empower ourselves to take responsibility in our lives and health, make positive choices which align with inner and outer peace. Not only only for our greater good but because of the impact which our actions have on others. Peace is not something to strive to attain, but rather becomes a natural unfolding progression lived from within, the result of consistent choices we make and the beliefs we live.

It truly is up to us to create the life we wish to lead and leave as our contribution to our families, communities and environment.

One of the great empowered moments that I have witnessed within myself and others is becoming aware of limiting belief systems. We can often hold ourselves back through recreating situations that we have done many times before. It can be anything from negative self-talk, food choices, lack of exercise, lack of belief, poor relationships, not trusting your abilities, truly the list is endless, but one thing is for certain, it is time to leave them behind for good.

The quickest way to empower and begin to break this old paradigm is to -

1.Know it exists
2.Know you want to change it.
3.Know and choose what positive behaviour/mindset you would like to replace it with.
4.Know that it will change with consistent positive choices of replacing old with new.
5.Know how important it is to be kind to yourself as you learn and grow in new ways.

Five simple yet incredibly powerful ways to begin to make true changes in your life that will become permanent through consistency. Being kind to yourself is the key, catch any self-negativity and smile or laugh instead, a simple sentence of"oh no I don't do that anymore" can be incredibly powerful. What better way to inspire yourSelf, family and friends.

Your choices, your creations on your canvas of life.

You’ve got this, no room for negativity from this moment forward, just one breath, one step at a time.

If you are someone who finds it hard to break habits that aren’t positive for your health or mindset and you would like a little extra support, then please reach out like so many other readers have via email onadmin@alligarison.comor the website -

It will be a privilege to chat with you and share some tools relevant to your personal demands and hurdles you are wanting to leave behind.

May you have a week whereYOU giving yourSelf permission to be Incredible YOU is your greatest inspiration and motivation.

You are amazing, please take care of youSelf,



Empowering Health - Empowering Life


Life - The Eternal Blank Canvas