Empowering Health - Empowering Life
Hello welcome to this week’s offering.
Whilst this week does have a particular theme, the principles I am discussing may be applied to many aspects of our health.
I have witnessed firsthand the disempowerment many people feel within their health. It can create such a vulnerability which adds to the illness & decline of mental health.
As a Women’s Therapist, I hear the consistent discussions & cries for help for Menopause as they continue to grow in our community. Our hectic lifestyles continue to negatively impact this natural phase in a woman’s life. Menopause is a time where we cease birthing humans to instead connect, create & birth creative expression from within, a time for a woman to sit with her inner wisdom. But this can only happen if we have the right tools & awareness to know how to navigate the transitions.
On Tuesday 8th November, 6-8pm at the Flynn’s Beach Surf Club, I will be holding an Information - Empowerment session for women who are wanting positive support for theirjourney within Menopause, stress & hormones.
You will walk away from the night with information & tools that you can implement immediately to begin your return to health.
So if you are tired of -
Lack of sleep, hot flashes/flushes and want to get off the rollercoaster of emotions(that has your partner sometimes weaving and ducking for cover). Or perhaps it's the weight gain that has you feeling heavy emotionally & physically?
Then I am here to say - I get you, & let’s empower you to be free of these things.
This gathering will not be heavy or overwhelming, but it will be empowering & filled with powerful insights into how to return yourself to health. I like to keep things lighthearted, fun, easy to understand, & realistic, with the ability to laugh together.
Come join us, it will be an honour to have you there.
The more we engage in our everyday choices of diet, lifestyle, mindset, emotions the more we are able to create & make proactive choices for our own health.
Women have had enough of placing their health in the hands of someone else.
As I share with you often within these newsletters, it is the daily choices we make that make a huge difference.
If you would like to attend the evening you will find out more information & reserve your place on the store page of this website.
I hope to see you there,(not to mention it will also be the night of the full moon lunar eclipse, what a great venue to witness that from & so relevant to the topic of women's cycles.)
Take care & please remember to be kind to you.