Change is Natural. Can you embrace it?
I hope your week has been a good one.
A common topic in the last week for women reaching out for a clarity call is the question “How can I learn to be comfortable and positive when unexpected change keeps happening in my life?”
It is an interesting question isn’t it?
We as humans have an idea of the way life “should be”. We set goals, ideas, expectations.
I have shared with you previously that my life had a huge positive shift the moment I let go of goals and embraced living with intentions and noticed how life and unexpected changes could prove to be advantageous, rather than me thinking things were going wrong.
What is wrong? I realised the only reason I thought it was “wrong” was because I had a subconscious need to control to make the “goal” I had in mind become a reality. When in fact if I let go and let things unfold naturally with positive and consistent input from my actions I found that the natural course unfolding was actually going to gift me a far greater outcome than my original idea. This can be applied from daily situations to the big life changing ones.
So may I ask the question, what actually identifies that something is “wrong” or “not what we expected.” Is that a concept or control of the mind of where we think life, our relationships or business should be?
Nature is always reflecting to us impermanence, change, nature grows, as does life. If we look at the philosophies of which I am trained and base my lifestyle and work on, we will see that flow, change and allowing that change to happen is a liberating way to live.
We are in a time where holding onto who we have been in the past may hold us back. It is one of my fundamental teachings within my program how to learn and live with the understanding that we are living a blank canvas in every moment. If we hold on too tight to ideas, we may find frustration, fear and even failure may enter our inner dialogue. This sets up for “comparisonitis”is” to take hold.
If we are able to approach life from a place of impermanence and curiosity without expectations, we begin to see and live the wonder and gift that life is.
Why not give yourself a pause from pushing. Instead, have an idea of what kind of things you would like to create in your life, relationships or career. Set some positive intentions and choices, act on them and watch the beauty of a new chapter of your life unfold.
You are empowered to choose to live freely at every moment. It is only the mind that will drag the past or future expectation into the present-now gift.
Food for thought isn’t it?
Have a great week,
Alli xx