Clear Communication - Bridge to Freedom
Welcome to this week’s blog., I trust your week is flowing well for you.
Thank you to those of you who emailed me to say they enjoyed last week’s reflection of the shift in creating and how it helped them to make some proactive choices.
This week I ask the question - “Have you ever felt disempowered, unheard or misunderstood when trying to convey your feelings about a situation?”
I feel most of us can relate to this in our lives, likely more than once. I often help people to discover how clear communication with yourself is the most important place to start. In a society where we are so overstimulated and told to live fast, we often speak before we truly understand what it is we are wanting to express.
Often we place our focus on the external situation, the other person or the event and try to convey our feelings about this. At times this can be tricky as we navigate feelings, emotions, beliefs and just the actual process of getting the words out when we haven’t really had time to feel it through ourSelves.
Having clear communication within yourself, truly reflecting, honouring and owning your feelings, before you even open your mouth, is the bridge from your inner universe to your outer universe. If you are wondering what I mean by this, perhaps think along these lines.
Once you know and have clear Communication within yourself, you are empowered to have a clear direction to articulate and express what you desire to communicate with another. By knowing you, it becomes crystal clear what direction you choose to grow in, what are your beliefs, dreams, intentions and what aren’t. Through the clarity comes the gift of creating the internal dreams into your external reality.
I often share within The Transformation Project, the importance of sitting with yourself each day. Ask yourself the big questions, the ones your mind keeps avoiding by keeping you busy with “more important things.” What could be more important than your own physical, emotional health? Taking the time to get to know what it is like to dive deep into the feelings. Get familiar with any discomfort, understand why it might feel uncomfortable and quite quickly you will find often it is because you may be going against your natural state. You are not hearing your intuition, you may even be avoiding situations, emotions and speaking your truth and that is causing internal confusion, conflict and even fear.
We are in a time of change, a time where to begin the process of internal listening, with pen and paper in hand to see what unfolds for you, could be the best decision in your life. So simple, yet so empowering if the process is actually put into place.
If you find this idea sitting and looking into the shadows of emotional discomfort down right scary, then perhaps chat with me. This week see’s the beginning of the wind down from my free connect-chats whilst I engage in some deep developmental work. Why not take up a chance to start to open up some ideas within yourself, I guarantee you will be amazed at who and what wonders you find in there.
If you think about it, your voice is vibrational - once you are empowered with clear communication from the heart, it is a very powerful way of living. Often people will go over and over in their head what they want to say, but when the time comes they can’t get the words out. There is a very big reason for this, if you want to know why and how to avoid it, reach out and let’s chat.
May you hear and act on your inner inspiration this week.