Have You Ever Felt “Out of Focus?”
Wow what a week, I hope yours is flowing with creativity and inspiration, mine certainly has been.
In the last week I have spoken to so many incredible women of all ages and various locations who were in my words “feeling out of focus.” They heard the call to action from last week’s Blog “Clear Communication - Bridge to Freedom” took affirmative action and are now thriving in the wonderful community of The Transformation Project.
Do you know what I mean by “out of focus?”
We all understand when your camera is out of focus it looks blurry, doesn’t feel quite right and isn’t the image you want to capture. This is what can happen to us in our lives as we lose ourSelves in the many roles we have.
I wonder if you can relate or have ever had those moments, perhaps laying in bed at night, sitting by yourself, walking or even driving to work. Where your body is present but your mind is wandering, questioning your life’s direction, your achievements or ability to make your dreams become your reality?
Perhaps somedays you are in focus feeling your greatest Self in life. Other days "out of focus" trying to “keep-up” appearances, hiding the “hot messes” vulnerability or overwhelmed feelings you have, for fear of who might judge you?
Or perhaps the "out of focus" feeling comes from knowing you want to create changes but think everyone will think you are crazy or come up with 1,000’s of reasons as to why you shouldn’t.
On the momentum of last week’s message, this is the exact thing that many women feel but cannot quite put a name to it.
That is why I penned “out of focus” to describe what many feel in silence.
The one thing that we have proven time and time again within the last three years of sharing The Transformation Project, is that it doesn’t fit a “box.” That a woman of any age, from any demographic can literally transform her life from the inside out through its incredible community, mentoring support and new paradigm teachings. It is a ground-breaking way of nurturing and helping women transcend anywhere, at any phase of their lives or in any situation they may be dealing with.
The dawning of a New Earth and the changes being experienced are known by many names. For me, no names are required, there is a freedom in not having to name it. It is simply a feeling, knowing we have shifted and now it is time to look straight into the shadows of our beliefs that no longer serve us, to truly stand in the heart of who we are and shake those “old little gremlins” off for good.
In celebration of March 8 being International Women’s Day I decided today to extend the current intake until that date. We truly are closing the intake for several months whilst we do some incredible work within Project.
If you know it’s time, if you know you’d love to have clear communication with yourself, be in brilliant bright focus, transcending limiting beliefs and owning the power of living the life you were born to live unapologetically, then this week is the week to reach out and book a clarity call with me.
Next week our Blog will be focusing on the incredible impact you make as a woman at this great time of change.
May you shine bright and brilliant from within this week, taking proactive steps to live who you were born to be.