
Hello and I hope this Blog finds you well. I know things have been a little quiet on here over the past few weeks but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy helping and supporting in positive ways.

If you jump over to our Facebook Community group you will see the evolution of the name to “Dare to Be Different.” The idea of changing the name is evolution. I believe we are naturally meant to continue to evolve. That is is important that as we grow in confidence and care of ourselves we allow that to be reflected in many aspects of ourselves. It takes courage to dare to change, to know it is time to create positive steps. Within the group you will find supportive, helpful and truthful discussions on life and all things that help us navigate it.

We have also been creating new products to support you in your growth. At the time of writing this Pivot is one that has now been released. We have many others currently in production with release in the coming weeks.

A new Podcast designed to again, support and help is also in production and we look forward to brining that to you in the coming months.

Life truly is to be enjoyed. Success and happiness is something that everyone deserves.

I truly believe how we interact with the world is how we ripple in the world.

My intention - to always ripple in a positive, supportive way.

May you continue to evolve, believe and shine, if we support part of that for you, what an absolute honour it is.




Inspiring Insights - taking the first step


Reflection or Deflection