Reflection or Deflection

In the last week many of my conversations have been with women who are experiencing intense times in their lives.  I thought it laid a perfect opportunity talk about something crucial – the practice of self-reflection. 

In our busy lives, it’s easy to feel like a pinball bouncing from one situation to the next.  I’ve been there, wondering if there’d ever be time for me, to work on my needs and wants, growth and inner reflection.  Then one day when the kids were with me and the day was crazy, it hit me; I had the power to create the space I craved.  Me and me alone.

In life's hustle, everything else often takes precedence – partner, kids, family, career, relationships. 

I have a saying – “reflection or deflection.”  

It’s a choice we face daily. 

When we feel overwhelmed or have thoughts of self-doubt, do we deflect, prioritizing everything else, or do we reflect inwards, asking ourselves the deeper questions?

Our lives are closely aligned with our beliefs about ourselves, conscious and subconscious and the daily choices we make.  Perhaps instead of waiting for significant monumental change, we can initiate the shift by questioning our moment-by-moment choices.

Think about it, your day is made up of 24 hours which is made up of 1440 minutes, made up of 86,400 seconds.  WOW isn’t that powerful.  To think you have 86,400 moments a day to make a different choice, a more positive choice in the way you feel about you and the way you want to live your life?

86,400 moments each day to think kinder thoughts about yourself, have deeper trust in yourself, choose more positive ways of thinking.

You don’t have to wait for the big official pause button.

You don’t have to wait for the holiday, new job or new year.

You and you alone have the opportunity everyday to create a different choice.  It can start right here as you read these words.

Deflection puts us on borrowed time, accumulating stress until it manifests in illness or exhaustion. Self-reflection on the other hand, doesn't need to be elaborate or a ticket-tape parade kind of stuff; it can be as brief or extended as you wish. Personally for me, it involves many moments daily of pausing and noticing my breath, feeling into my day, my choices, and direction.

For business owners, this practice is even more critical.  You are your business.  Your well-being matters.  Young Mums, hang in there; it gets lighter.  For those with older families, you’ve done the heavy lifting now you can breathe and truly swim in the waters to birth the next phase of you.

I acknowledge your courage, strength and spirit no matter which stage you are in.

My message today, simplicity, take time for yourself each day, reflect often on the choices you are making in the moments. 

If you're unsure how to take these first steps a gentle reminder that  the current intake of The Transformation Project is open until this Friday, 1st December.  We will not open again until July 2024, whilst we give the dedicated care and diligence to our new and current  members. At the time of writing this we have 2 positions left, do they have your name on them?

Project is different, we are proud of the awards and the recognition its positive impact is making for women because of our personal approached and our dedication to permanent transformation for each of our members in every aspect of their lives.

May your week ahead be beautiful and today, may you cherish and notice a large portion of those 86,400 gifts of special moments.

Shine bright and laugh often.





Magnetic Momentum