Guilt Can Keep You Frozen

Wow, thank you to everyone who reached out and connected.  The emails were coming in thick and fast.  It is such an honour to hear the stories of  many who know they want change, but just weren’t quite sure how to make it happen.

Welcome also to all the lovely women who are now in The Transformation Project, truly you will not believe what is possible for you when you learn to prioritise yourSelf and are supported with the right support and tools on board.

So this week I thought I would hit a topic which when my family was younger and school holidays were around was especially a big one.  

Guilt, good old Mum guilt.  I would always feel bad if I gave time to myself, said no to the kids when I was exhausted and they just wanted one more swim, friends to sleep over or trip to the park.  

But guess what I learnt to move through it by trusting that I was helping my kids to honour their needs of down time too.  Now with four adult children, I can see that it worked really well for them.  They all have good boundaries and understand who they are in the world.  So Mums I say to you - white space, flamingo time, sacred time, or chill-cheer, is not something to be guilty about.  It is a must!

Now as a Grandmother I say to all the Grandmothers out there, yes, that guilt tries to return when it's the Grandkids asking.  Stick true, teach the young ones the chill-cheer feeling and bam everyone is happy.  Often the constant “yes” teaches people pleasing, over-stimulation and even can nurture the good old “comparisonitis” of trying to keep up with everyone else.

If you find it difficult to set boundaries that help you to keep true to you, remember, always happy to help.  Let’s have a
Connect Chat and give you some free tools on how to begin setting the boundaries that will set you free.

Have a great week.  Remember, if you would like to say no to something, but find it difficult.  Here’s my little tip, begin with, “Thank you, but no……..” (fill in the dots where you need too.) You will be amazed how easy it becomes when the first two words that come out of your mouth are “thank you,” it seems to soften the “no” and help remove the guilt.  

Hope this week’s little offering was helpful.

Until next week, shine bright.



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