Shedding What Isn’t Ours
Welcome, to this week’s offering and happy 2023!
May this year be all and more than you hope for.
I thought this week, why not chat about what is usually the “hottest topic“ at this time of year.
How to let go of what we don’t want in the new year, to nurture more of what we do.
We all know what it is like to finish a year, reflect over the closing one, the wins and the challenges. Looking to the new one, with fresh enthusiasm and ideas of creating a brighter, lighter, more nourished year than the one before.
Even if 2022 has been a good one, (which I hope it was for you), we often still strive for more, that “something better” in the next one.
But what if we have it all the wrong way around?
What if in fact the kindest, most authentic gift we could give ourSelves and the world in 2023 would be to lighten the load. Let go of who we aren’t to uncover the jewel of what lies within each of us.
What if we took the things we perhaps wished we had done better to motivate us to not only uncover the more authentic parts of ourselves but also to nurture and live them each and every day.
So let’s ask a question.
How many self help books, motivational speakers or quick fix things have you tried in your life?
Now this isn’t an integration, in fact I am going to be so transparent in the hope it helps you more. For me it was books on empowerment, healing, philosophy, whatever I could get to help discover the “x-factor” I was craving to connect too. So much so that not only did I read, but I studied and trained in various modalities. Nothing seemed to stick so I trialled and begun what I affectionately call my "research years" on me and within my life. I became kinder to myself and from that BOOM.
I began to connect and create from inner inspiration and I learnt it was ok to trust my inner wisdom and what I was capable of creating. Even in the big and little challenges of life, I seemed to found a way to adopt an easier flow through them.
There is a saying you may have heard me quote before - “knowledge is knowing, wisdom is living.”
This is my “North,” am I living what I truly believe?
If I find myself struggling, feeling overwhelmed or uncertain, I know my mind has taken over again. The good old "comparisonitis" has hit under cover of the night and rattled my self-worth cage again. But through applying the tools I developed, I quickly find the space again to return to living, loving and trusting my true nature and creativity. That I am unique, I am meant to do things differently and that it is ok to not always win.
If reading the latest offering from your favourite motivational author’s self-help book made you feel good, it seemed to help a little, but then life got busy. The tools soon fell away and didn’t really create the permanent change you crave.
If you’ve tried to lose the physical weight but it doesn’t seem to budge because the heavy or toxic emotions are still at the core of the issue.
If the trauma of the past is a ghost that keeps negatively influencing your days and plans for the future and you’ve had enough.
Then why not have a connect-chat with me and make 2023 your year to return to you - through working on the greatest project in your life, - You.
Life has become so fast paced and like a rubber band, many have been stretched to their limits across their life.
It is time to return to our truest nature, to return to our origins of inner wisdom. I love what I do, I am honoured to help women everyday through The Transformation Project, so much so that for January/February 2023, we have a promotion that helps you enter into the program with a huge extra benefits.
If you would like to have a Connect Chat to gain some simple tools on how to best move into 2023 without the old patterns returning, it would be an honour to connect and hear your story.
Today can be the day to put into action all the ideas that you would like to live.
I'd like to share something that helped me keep motivated whilst studying Ayurveda, it was on the wall of the college where I trained.
"In 12 months time you will have wished you’d started today."
I am here to say, it is easier than you think, let's connect.
Have an inspiring week, trusting yourSelf and listening to your inner wisdom.