Intuitive Flow

Welcome to this letter, how are you?

As I sit here in the sun on a Sunday morning writing to you, I feel the warmth of the sun be taken by a cool gentle breeze. I can’t help but reflect that we have entered our last month of winter in the southern hemisphere (summer for our northern friends).  Changes within the seasons has a beautiful way of reflecting changes within us.

Aligning to the rhythms of nature connects us to the rhythms within ourselves.  We often push through areas in our life that drain us, whether in relationships, activities, or diet. Placing our own needs last slowly chips away at the very healthy and creative essence that is our true being.  Noticing and aligning to the rhythms of nature invite us to try new things with an easier and gentler flow.

If you consider how the larger the eye of the storm, the more powerful it is. Similarly, creating a larger calm centre within our own lives helps us to approach our daily life with a clear, calm presence.

However, often busy lives, schedules and mental barriers can make it hard to connect with our underlying intuitive flow. Our minds can reinforce unhelpful patterns and beliefs such as thinking we do not have time, that we must wait or that it is unachievable to create the change we desire.

Daily harmony practices have profoundly impacted my life and those of my clients. Here are three simple yet powerful ways to start and end your day with awareness and grounding, supporting expanding your calm grounded presence and centre:

·     Upon waking – smile, stretch into a star shape and have three mindful deep breaths, focus on the inhale as welcoming in a new day and possibilities and the exhale as opening the body to feel, flow and be in synchronicity with the gifts the day will bring.

·     When rising from bed stretch up and out with your arms, move through your spine in a flowing motion which is comfortable for you.  Please note, it is not about the depth or complexity of the stretch but your intent and your awareness of being immersed in the feelings of the stretch.  Feel yourself inviting your physical and emotional body into a new and open feeling.

·     Then bring to your mind a word that can positively influence the direction of your day. Is your intention of the day to flow and find calmness, kindness, truth, clarity?  What direction inspires you for this new and fresh day?

As you can see each item will only take a few moments, some, such as breathing, you are already doing, but now we are deepening the connection and tapping into the rhythm of it. This slight adjustment in perspective and practice can have profound positive ripples into the rest of your day and your overall health.

If you would like more ideas or to speak with me privately to create a more personalised approach for your lifestyle and needs, please email me on

May you have an inspirational and rhythmic month ahead.




Becoming an Ocean


Inspiring Insights - taking the first step