Becoming an Ocean

Hello how are you?

The monthly insights intention is to share with you various ways to live daily with joy, connection and calmness.

This is an additional letter of sharing and if it sits well with you, invitation.

As I sit here in the early morning sunrise we are within the full moon in Aquarius, a time that invites us into deep reflection for the opportunity to break through concepts and societal blocks that have kept us from stepping into our true nature and living our greatest lives.

I will be the first to share that you dear one, you are your brightest light and truest guide and guru.  Yet I will also be the first to admit in a busy world where life, demands and judgments can distort our own inner connection we sometimes are lost.

My life has been and continues to be my teacher and this invitation is to gently remind you of the importance of knowing you, the real you.  How taking a few moments each morning or throughout your day can be the catalyst to begin the trickle that turns into a river that becomes an ocean of deep intuitive connection. 

However,  if life, the busy mind and demands seems to always be in the way, then perhaps we have forgotten and been pushing through life, rather than letting life live through us each moment.  It sounds like such a simple shift, because it is, if you know and trust how to take those first few steps into discovering and living authentic you.

Though, if you have been finding life is too fast, there is no time for you, you are forever second guessing yourself and you wonder what it is all about.  Then I invite you to take a moment, pause as you read this sentence, look up from the screen, breath in and as you breathe out ask yourself how can I shift this?  Gift yourself the space to feel, any thoughts that come up, let them go, go deeper than the why you can't to find the why you should.  You don't need to find the answer there and then, but you will be amazed at what opens up when you give yourself the space to want different.  If you feel a block, unsure if you even know where to start, then perhaps a call where someone like myself can hold space for you to feel, to breathe, to be heard and to find that moment of nurturing may be the gift you have been holding yourself back from.  If it feels right to you please go to the contact page, it would be an honour to connect.

Do you remember how in my last letter I reflected that the larger the centre of the storm the larger the power of the storm?  The world is shifting quickly, we are being asked to step into the centre of our being and the freedom for life to live through us. 

We can't always change the situations in our life, but we can learn to understand ourselves more, to identify behaviours or blocks we wish to release, in order to navigate with a different response, one with awareness where we truly live life with a clear, calm presence personally and professionally.

May life continue to inspire and live through you.




Natural Change


Intuitive Flow