Listening to Ourselves & Communication with Others
Welcome, it appears our current thread of newsletters is hitting some notes with many of you and once again it is such an honour to receive your emails of thanks. Life certainly is having lots of transitions for many. I am honoured everyday by helping others rediscover themSelves and in that rediscovery they heal and find an inner strength they didn’t realise they could tap into.
Often we lose sight of who we are, whether through conditioning of our upbringing, situations we have experienced, partners, peers, the list is endless of why we start to lose sight of what are our own belief systems and what aren’t. What are perhaps old belief systems that no longer serve us in our current life/situations.
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter we can get into a pattern of “trying to save” rather than listening.
Vedic Counselling, of which I am trained, is an ancient art of providing guidance and motivation to nurture and enable a person to re-discover themSelves. Gaining clarity in all aspects of themselves and life. It focuses on helping the patient to understand and celebrate their uniqueness, promoting living in harmony with physical, mental and emotional Self.
Once they connect deep in their true Self (away from conditioning, outdated beliefs or comparisonitis) they find a depth of strength, resilience, empowerment and freedom they could never have imagined existed.
Often we can not change situations in our life (although at times we may want to!) and so to change how we view the world, situations, our reactions or words can be an absolute life changer.
I ask this week, what dialogue and patterns are you aware that you may have that are no longer relevant in your life? Have you had transitions in your life recently where you know it is time for a change in the way you react or the language that you use when speaking with yourself or others.
I often share that the most important communication we have is with ourselves. Often people become frustrated in relationships or situations when perhaps they have not been able to clearly communicate their feelings or needs.
Through understanding how we feel in situations, beliefs and creation in our life we are able to then speak with clear dialogue to others.
Begin by -
Sitting with yourself every few days and asking yourself how you feel about situations you’ve recently been dealing with.
Ensure you have clear communication with yourself, your feelings, desired outcomes etc.
Ask yourself, have you had the ability to clearly communicate this with others?
Write down some ideas or sentences to help you to gain deeper clarity in the situations.
This will help you to clearly verbalise your thoughts and feelings to others.
These may seem simple strategies, but that is why they are powerful and work. Ask yourself, in the last 6 months have you taken time each week to sit and ask yourself - “How do I speak with myself? Is it kind?” Or perhaps ask “Have I taken time to sit and really notice how I feel or am I being heard in this situation?” If you have not done this in the last 6 months imagine how clear your communication with yourself will become if you took up the practice.
Little tips that begin to create major positive changes in how you communicate, view and react in your life.
Have an amazing week.