Open Communication with you..

Hi, well again, here is a little snippet from the audio newsletter from a few weeks ago on R U OK day….

I wanted to chat today about something that I think is always important and that’s mental health. On the day of doing this newsletter, it is actually R U OK day? I wanted to talk about how often it can be in beginning the conversation of sharing honestly about ourselves that we can really help those in need.

Often to just ask someone “Are you doing ok?” Can be confronting, they are not quite sure how to answer.

Although it is an incredible and powerful conversation to start, it can often be when we allow our own vulnerabilities to be seen where great support and openness can begin..  That perhaps when we are brave enough to share that we are not doing ok, that we can give someone else permission to share a conversation with us.

In sharing we help each other.

In sharing we feel the energy of giving and receiving. 

I often think that it is incredibly important that we remember that we are here to share this life together the ups and not so ups. The more we talk about it, the easier it becomes.

On this RU OK day I share with you, you are amazing you are incredible, you have strengths that you probably didn’t realise you had that through your challenges you have been brave and learned to lean into those areas, that is where you uncovered your deeper strengths.

Please know that we are here for you, there are many different platforms and ways for support that you don’t actually have to be working with me to gain those benefits.

Please also remember that the open communication with how you feel about yourself, the negative talk that you may be hearing inside your own head.

Ask yourself would you say that to someone you love?

If the answer is no then please, why would you say it to yourself? 

What you think you vibrate at, you share that energy, those ripples in the world.  Self-love, self-acceptance, self-belief, wanting to create a better world begins within us and how we feel about ourselves.

Have the most beautiful day and most incredible week, until we chat again.

Take care 

Alli xo


Magnetic Momentum

