Peace Comes From Within.
I hope your week is great.
Thank you to the emails of thanks and support you send. My intention with the Blogs are not to tell but perhaps begin an inner conversation with yourself. Subjects and topics that can expand and open your inner communication and result in an increase of peace and health in everyday existence.
This week, the topic is "PEACE". The saying “Peace comes from Within” is nearly as old as time itself. There are many great master teachers who have been quoted as having said it. To me, it doesn’t matter who said it or when, what matters is that we embrace its message of truth.
So I ask, how often do we as a society look externally for peace?
We may look for it in relationships, health, finances, material objects, situations or environment. Yet if one truly grasps what this ancient teaching is saying, it is absolutely life changing.
If you are truly with peace within yourself, your circumstances, relationships, employment, environment and so forth will no longer challenge you as deeply. Yes, if you are experiencing hiccups in life you may have frustration or sorrow, but if you do, tapping into the peace within you gives you strength and the courage to get through it. If the phase of your life is a wondrous time, the peace within you creates even more nourishment and joy.
The faster paced our life is the more it will create a fast, overthinking, striving mind. This can cause a void between what you want and what you actually need to experience happiness and connect with inner peace. The mind starts see-sawing between expectations and “comparisonitis” which can leave us feeling deflated and overwhelmed.
If we look to the "environment of life" being calm to deliver us peace and happiness, we can become disappointed, stressed or disheartened when life is not always easy. We may forget who we truly are and get caught in the old patterns of who we think we need to be or to keep recreating our life from the "clay and patterns of our past." Patterns and behaviours which may not serve us well anymore.
Finding and anchoring in the breath and peace within each day creates an ability to connect and ground with the strength of who you are. A little like the old oak tree which has its roots firm in the earth has the ability to sway and move in the storm but will not break, it remains rock solid in itself.
Connection of grounding with inner peace nurtures clarity, a knowing of your true beliefs and boundaries that align with you. It promotes clear communication, compassion, empathy, kindness and gratitude for yourself first and then the ability to share it with others.
Getting to know you, you trust yourself more, gain inner peace and begin to live your uniqueness. T
That you are amazing, living life through learning, not to be so hard on yourself that you can’t have all the answers. If you are unsure how to connect and ground each day, look at the resources on the website or email me for personalised tips. That is why we are here, to help you reclaim your health on all levels.
So in the week ahead, may you continue this week to truly give yourself the time, care, kindness, compassion, quiet and grounding that you deserve.
Your Life,
Your Story…
Your Destiny through Choice and action, not Chance…
Shine Bright,