The Language of Small Kids…
Thank you to everyone who has been reaching out for clarity sessions and sending emails of thanks for the topics I have been discussing. I never wish to bore anyone with my blogs, but rather begin those internal conversations that support positive change.
Life can reflect fast, demands, stimulation so much so that we can lose ourselves and our enjoyment in everyday life and the nourishment it can give.
The fact that you are reading this tells me you are over 18. So may I ask you, have you ever thought about kids of yesteryear?
Think back to the images of kids in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and so forth. What image comes to your mind?
I see a simpler slower paced world.
A carefree freedom.
As a Mother and Grandmother I really see the changes we are expecting from the children of today. The way they are dressed is even different. Now I am not saying there is right or wrong or better or worse. What I am doing here is hopefully drawing your attention to a blur in the line that we have created that we have not even realised has been done and is even there; the blur between adults and kids to kids becoming “little adults”.
Kids used to be kids, they were dressed as kids, given free time as kids, made a mess, got messy, didn’t know about schedules, time, rushing or restrictions, commitments (until they were older at least). They were lovingly “kicked outside in the yard” for a reason, to be free, use their imaginations with a stick, leaves, ants, a ball or a piece of elastic (showing my age here!)
The language we used towards kids was vastly different to that of these days. Some of the language has changed for the better, some for the worst. I believe kids, thank goodness, are no longer believed to be “seen not heard.” Whoever came up with that forgot what being a kid meant - kids want to be heard! They should be heard!
Kids used simple language and were spoken to in simple innocent ways. We sometimes forget that we may be speaking with our kids in terminology or language we use at work with colleagues/adults and then we may get frustrated when our kids don’t understand us, do what we asked or look at us weird.
With the technology advancement we expected the kids to change their vocabulary but that doesn’t necessarily mean they understand. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying kids aren’t smart. I believe the exact opposite and that is why I am sharing this with you.
We can learn so much from our children, their behaviour, their facial features as we talk to them. Ensure to look into the eyes of a young child as you are speaking with them, and you will see how much attention they are giving you. Listen to the language they use, or how they come up and touch you without saying anything, just a reassurance that you are there, that they are safe, that they are loved.
Kids ultimately live in the moment, in the NOW, unless we as adults teach them otherwise. It is funny if you think about it; how a child ultimately lives completely in the now, fascinated by a small ant walking across the concrete path and we are the ones rushing past telling them to “hurry up”. Then as adults, we spend much of our existence reading books, listening to podcasts or watching Youtube videos on how to live in the present moment! Crazy isn’t it?
We all know the saying that kids need love, kids need time. I also believe kids need to be allowed to be kids and in the current global situation be protected and nurtured to know life can be simple and beautiful and in the beautiful there is simple.
Kids are adults' greatest teachers if only we slow down enough to notice. Drop some schedules, give yourself some down time, let your mind slow and notice.
Have a great week and I hope you find your inner child this week and let them out for a play!