Prevention is Better than Cure…
Welcome to this week’s newsletter. Well here in the southern hemisphere winter has certainly arrived. I am sure you have all heard the topic heading "prevention is better than cure." My question is how often do we practice it? Remember my newsletter from a few weeks ago? The Bank of Good Health?
What you may not be aware of is that promotion of prevention of dis-ease in the body truly is the Vedic way of living. Ayurveda and Yoga both help us to keep our physical, mental and emotional bodies in clear states. So I thought perhaps a few tips from the incredible "sister sciences" may help you in your immunity and health during winter.
Veda sees winter as "Kapha" month. Meaning qualities of cold, damp, cool and moist are present. We also understand the philosophy of "Like attracts Like." Meaning, if you add more cold to something which is cold it gets colder. Common sense right? Well that is the funny thing we do not think of our gut, lungs and respiratory system in this way. We often eat the same types of foods all year round and give little thought to the outer environment and temperature changes.
Immunity comes from the gut and keeping the environment healthy delivers optimal health. Like goldilocks, we don’t want it too cold, or too hot, we want it like the three bear’s porridge, just right.
So how do we do this for our optimal health? Here are some tips to help.
· Begin each upon morning with three deep exhalations to clear the lungs of stale air and ensure to wake the diaphragm.
· Brush teeth on rising to remove toxic build up on the teeth. (There are deeper levels available if you would like to know more please reach out via email
· Eucalyptus steam inhalation (yes that good old practice) is wonderful for clearing and keeping our respiratory system in optimal health.
· As we are in winter in the southern hemisphere, ensure to eat and drink warm nourishing foods to ensure a good temperature and environment in the gut and respiratory systems.
· Avoid cold damp foods. Occasionally are fine but if they are part of your everyday diet it is only a matter of time until too much cold, damp builds up and may assist deeper respiratory or immunity issues. (For our Northern hemisphere friends it is opposite with you currently moving deeper into summer.)
· Spend a few moments several times through your day to pause and take 3 mindful breaths in and out the nose. We often forget to breathe well and this can build mucus in the system and may encourage disease.
· Regular sleep. Try as best to wake and sleep close to the same time each day. Winter has shorter days to reflect a quieter pace, a time of nourishment, nurturing and rejuvenation. Regular sleep is incredibly important for immunity and the body’s ability to heal.
These few suggestions are a way to begin to help you regain your health. Prevention by the awareness of keeping the inner environment healthy.
I will be chatting about some of these topics in upcoming Inner Light Podcasts so keep an eye out for them.
If you would like to know more or have any questions, you are always welcome to reach out for a complimentary clarity session via the website or email me.
Keep warm, well and have a great week.