Sacred Earth Mother

Thank you to everyone who emailed last week enjoying the reflection of the importance of self-nourishment and who related to the inner-guilt dialogue.  I hope it helped to begin a conversation within yourself that will ultimately set you free to nurture yourself more deeply.

This week as my time in the sacred land of Bali draws to a close and many of our Australian readers prepare for the celebration of Mother's Day this weekend.  I can't help but be inspired to write about the Mother we all having in common - our beloved Earth Mother.

She truly is a Mother that is selfless, loving, inspirational and will always hold us deeply in a place of serenity if we pause and open our senses and heart to her.  I personally have always found my greatest solace and inspiration when I spend time in her presence.

The energy and feeling from our natural world is one that is deeply connected within us, for we are nature.  Each human is a micro to the macro​cosm of the universe and there are many modalities including Yoga and Ayurveda that remind us of this.  Often this is forgotten within the demands of a busy life.  Over the years I have had the honour of witnessing many students that one they slowed and calmed through breath, deeply connected with their inner universe to find immense peace. Nothing in there outer world had changed, yet everything in their world had changed, because they connected.  How they view the world, themselves and their interaction with life is forever transformed.  It is important that we do not place these sacred connections on hold for holidays or yoga classes, but instead embrace a calmer pace of life that enables us to feel and live daily with this deep relationship.  What small things are you able to do each day that will help merge your inner and outer worlds.

Perhaps a walk;
Time away from the stimulation of your devices to sit in nature and breathe;
Noticing the sunrise, sunset or sound of birds.
Breathing in through the nose and out slowly and deeply through the mouth.
These are small yet powerful ways of reconnecting in a busy day.  Some may even say they are common sense, but I ask, are they being practiced?  I often reflect to patients how these little practices can have huge results as we create a habitual way of letting stress go so that at the end of the day you feel joy and nourishment  instead of overwhelm and burnout.
This subject is something I will be sharing in my upcoming Sacred Space Retreat on Saturday 27th May.  Where we will share a full-day of nourishment and immersion within stillness, breath, mantra, yoga and connecting to the deeper natural inner rhythms of ourselves.  Not to mention incredible delicious food lovingly created by Belle.   It is being held on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, Australia.  It would be an honour to have you within the space.  You will find more details on the home & store page or email me if you have any questions, numbers are limited with only a few spaces left.

Enjoy the upcoming week, may you find inspiration to deepen your connection within the inner and outer natural wonder of yourself.





Going Deeper