Going Deeper
I hope this Blog finds you well.
You may have noticed I have not written a Blog for last few weeks. As many of you know I prefer to not write a Blog because of habit, but rather out of inspiration.
This week I am inspired beyond belief on a topic which I have spoken about many times. The one of self-care, nurturing and stillness.
For myself it is part of my every day existence and yet it was reflected within my meditation recently how as we grow and go deeper within so our practices of being nurtured should as well.
I am someone who has lived a beautiful yet simple life. Travel out of my home country of Australia had not been something that called me. With my family now grown and watching my children travel I felt inspired. I have felt a deep connection to one place for a long time, Bali.
With many physical challenges over the last few years I have felt my Spirit grow in ways I only dreamed of. Still I was acutely aware that my physical body was depleted and in great need of nourishment. Listening to my heart and with the love and support of my family I have travelled to Penestanan Village, Ubud Bali to receive such nourishment.
Eternally grateful for this opportunity, this week I reflect how important it is to understand that permission to nourish yourself is one that comes from deep within your heart. Many things may be placed in front of creating such nourishment. Commitments, worthiness, financial situations and even guilt and so it is put off to another day. When in reality by allowing ourselves to be nourished we become better humans, hold a wider heart and deeper ability and capacity to share love and kindness.
I reflect this not in telling but sharing. Please be gentle with yourself, kind as you heal, generous as you learn, patient as you grow and compassionate as you forgive.
Our world is changing because we are changing. We are learning on a deeper level how precious life is. Not to waste a moment and to live each one deeply connected through our heart. Heart connection within ourselves enables a deeper heart connection with each other.
You do not need to travel to feel this nourishment, nor does it need to be expensive. It is found in a moment, a breath, in looking at the ocean, sky or trees. It is in the embrace of a loved one, where you just hug with no words. It is in the silence or stillness you allow yourself in the early morning meditation. If you find it hard to quieten the mind perhaps the free Inner Light Podcast I share may be of support.
If you feel you would like a day of nourishing perhaps my upcoming Sacred Space Retreat being held on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, Australia, may be of interest. Check Store page for details.
I hope you feel my gratitude through these words. That you will discover a new deeper way to continue to nourish and be kind to yourself in the coming week.