“The Witness” - what does it mean?
How has your week been flowing?
I am grateful for mine, why? Because once again many of you are reaching out and letting me know these newsletters are helping you identify and deal with different aspects of inner dialogue or self-criticism that you haven’t known even existed—and if you did, how to help remove and be free of them for good. It makes me feel incredibly grateful that I get to share this with you.
Often people ask me how my journey into all of this began. There are many little stories I could share, but the one I think will help you the most this week is to talk about “The Witness.”
It literally is a life/game changer and is an incredible part of Vedic Philosophy which is the basis of my work.
What if I asked you, “Have you ever noticed how busy your mind is?”
If your answer is “Yes”, then my next question is “Who is noticing?”
This is incredible when you think about it. “YOU” can witness how busy YOUR MIND IS. This means that you are able to do something about it.
Think about it… If you notice your sunglasses are dirty, you now know you need to clean them and you know how to do it.
So, if you are able to notice you have a busy, overthinking mind, shallow breathing, anxiety, fear about the future, fear about the past, uncertainty, lack of self-worth, an out-of-control over-busy calendar, you are now in the most empowering position possible.
YOU can begin to implement changes, positive changes that can make a real difference in your life.
I say to patients/clients all the time, once you are aware of it, you are 95% of the way there. The next part is applying the changes.
So notice in your everyday thoughts, actions, and life if you are able to witness the habits or dialogue you wish to change.
Begin with your breath, it is always the easiest place to start, because you are already doing it. Simply sit with and notice how it feels as you breathe in, and how it feels as you breathe out…There are many more words I could write here, but I would prefer to give you less words and let you experience feeling what happens if you simply begin with breath and practice it regularly, you can build your practice from there.
If you are unsure of what or how to make these changes, that is what I am here for!
Happy to help in any way I can reach out via my contact page.
Have a great week.