What Message are you Sending your Family?
How have you been going? With so much in the world changing I often think of the incredible Peace Activist Mahatma Ghandi’s quote “be the change you wish to see in the world.”
I truly believe the change begins with us…..
Have you found the “little chameleon self-sabotage dialogue” there in your thought patterns? So since it seems to be such a hot topic with all the lovely women reaching out for clarity sessions, let's delve a little deeper.
Another self-sabotage trait many don’t realise is the concept of putting yourself last. Can you relate?
Now you have heard me talk about “applying your own mask first” many times and the inability to practice/live this is often closely linked with guilt and self-sabotage.
What I am asking this week is: What message does it give to your family, friends and if you have little people in your life, if you are always putting yourself last? What are you teaching them about themselves?
If you think about when someone you love puts everyone else’s needs before their own, what do you say? How do you reflect to them to ensure they look after their health? Take time for them? Don’t you think having integrity is important? You know what I mean, to actually be living the advice or suggestions you give rather than them just being words.
As women (and men of course, sorry to the guys who subscribe) I believe it is important that we all begin to look after each other by ensuring we are looking after ourselves. The minute we take our own self-care into consideration we empower ourselves and liberate others that they too are worthy of looking after themselves. We give them permission that it is not selfish and yes, even if the “comparisonitis” is flowing around, wouldn’t that be a positive one for a change?
If a friend or family member looked at you and thought “I really like how she/he prioritises time for themselves” how would that make you feel? I’d say it would be one positive case of “comparisonitis” if ever I have seen one!
Hope this little discussion has been helpful to you.
Until next week, take care,