A Quiet Moment

Welcome to this week’s offering and I hope life is flowing for you.

As I was reflecting on what to write this week, it was very clear to me that everyone is busy in the lead up to Christmas.  I felt this is a week, I would like to create space for you rather than more.

This week’s newsletter will be short, to create a some space for you to have a quiet moment. Often there is so much being said in the world, today I believe less is more.  

My suggestion - as you read this sentence, can you gift yourself a moment of pausing right now?  Literally as you read this, notice how you are feeling, breathe in, pause to notice this actual moment and as you breathe out, let go of some of the tightness and stress from your jaw and shoulders. 

When we do not take the time to create space or even to notice small snippets of breath and space in our day, we tend to pile the stresses of the morning in our body and carry them into the afternoon and even the next day.  Pausing and creating space throughout the day enables us to let go of them.  It doesn't need to be long.  Something so simple I know, but I ask, how often do you practice it?  Thus this gentle reminder.

May you have a beautiful week, honouring your needs and even though life is busy with perhaps many things to do, please do not to lose the little gifts in your day.  All you need to do is notice them.

​​If you find it hard to calm the mind, speak with me for tips and strategies via a connect chat. You will find the request on the contact page.

May your week ahead be inspired by your quiet moments.



Gratitude & Intentions


Living Your Health