Living Your Health
Welcome, to this week’s offering.
Thank you to everyone who wrote in to let me know how the latest release of Inner Light Podcast episode “School Zone for the Mind,” helped them to relate to why mindful living is so important. That is the essence of the Podcast, to help expand the inner calm to be experienced on the surface of daily living to create an extraordinary life. If you haven't listened to the podcast episode go to the Podcast link page at the top of this page of the website.
As the pace of December and end of year continues to move through I felt this week, I would chat to you about "Living Your Health." This is something that comes up quite often in discussions in the clinic and in The Transformation Project.
We all understand how important health is, we all wish to have it, but often it sits on the back burner with so many other things given more importance.
Those of you who have been receiving my newsletter for a while have heard me quote the old saying "Humans spend their health creating their wealth and then spend the wealth trying to reclaim their health."
This is such a powerful sentence, unfortunately for many it is the truth.
As the end of the year approaches this is the ideal time to begin reflection, what will 2023 look like for you? Where in your calendar do you set time aside for you, for your nurturing, health and acts of kindness for you. Many keep waiting for the holiday to rest, what happens to our nervous system and digestion in the meantime?
Ayurveda teaches every day routines are paramount not only for good health but for a truly joyful existence. My suggestion, ask yourself what are the top 6 important things for you in 2023 look at the calendar begin to make changes and pencil out the "Recharge Time" as an appointment just like you would for the other obligations in your life.
For those of you who haven't heard of this teaching of mine, it is where you actually go through your calendar and schedule time with yourSelf, whether daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly. You will be amazed at all the things the mind will tell you why you can't and the things it will put in front of it as more important. Honestly, is there anything in life more important than your health and your joy? Please don't wait until it has gone before you try to bring it back, why not start making the adjustments now to empower you on all levels.
Living Your Health begins with the little things you do everyday to recharge yourself, just like a battery if it is running on overdrive all the time it can not continue, you too need to replenish your energy supply, some suggestions to begin with -
*Pause through the day to connect with where you are physically and have three mindful breaths.
*Ensure to calm before eating, with no multi-tasking.
*Take yourself for time in nature, away from devices.
*Ensure to spend time mentally, physically and emotionally with those you love. What I mean by this sentence is that many will physically be with their family but their mind has them everywhere else. Pause and reflect, truly nourish yourself with those you love, they will notice the difference.
These may seem like simple, obvious things to do. My question - do you do them everyday? Please don't wait until the end of 2023 to want to create the change you have been longing for. What you think you may not be able to afford in time or money, may I gently reflect, perhaps you can not afford not to create the change.
If you find it difficult to know how to do these suggestions without feeling guilty, or your busy mind will not allow the down time, then please feel free to have a Connect Chat with me to find out some simple but powerful tools to begin the process of daily Living Your Health, physically, mentally and emotionally.
May your week be inspirational and filled with living and having gratitude for the special moments of your day.