Are You Guilty of Self-Sabotage?
I want to talk about self sabotage. Have you ever heard of it?
In my field of work most people haven’t, but once we start to discover what it is and how common it is in their life they are literally blown away by the empowerment that the awareness of it provides.
We often do not realise that self sabotage is in our subconscious. It is like a chameleon, it guises itself as little sentences or habits like these….
“I will begin that when life slows down.”
“She deserves that new job, but I could never be that successful.”
“I have tried every diet known…none of them work for me!”
“Free time. Oh that is a dream and not real in my life!”
“There is no way I could change careers or study at my age!”
The list is endless of the internal dialogue women have that is fuelled by subconscious self sabotage.
It can come from many different places. In my way of working it doesn’t matter where or why it is the unwelcome guest in your inner dialogue.
The most important thing? Recognise it is there and then kick it for good.
The first step is to recognise it in your internal dialogue. Scratch the surface and you will usually find “comparisonitis” is usually hanging in there too! Isn’t it time for both those unwanted habitual guests of your inner conversations to stop holding you back and leave?
A simple sentence like “No, I’m not thinking that way anymore!” can really begin to open the way to removing the habits.
Try it and see how you go?
Have an inspiring week.