Never Underestimate the Power of your Ripple
With today being International Women’s Day, I felt I wanted to reflect about the incredible woman you are (or man for our men readers).
So often we will be the first to give a compliment, share a kind word, tell a friend that they are amazing but rarely do we give the same nurturing support or love to ourSelves.
Aren’t you worthy of your own love, belief and nurturing?
The ripple you create in the world comes from how you live in the world, inside and out.
Within clinic and Project I am often reflecting to women the importance of “positive self-talk.” One of the questions I often say is “Think of someone you love." Once the client has been identified someone important in their life, you can see the emotion and love they have for this person. I follow with "Would you say negative things to them?” There is usually a look of horror on their face with a quick response “No way!”
So my question is, your ripple begins with the love and support you give yourself. Just imagine you walked around all day waist deep in water. Imagine as you go through your day, doing what you do, speaking your words knowing that those words whether inside or out are leaving ripples.
It makes you think doesn’t it?
Words are action, words create vibration, feelings, emotions within and around you.
On this International Women’s Day, may you create the time to celebrate you. All that you are, have been and will be in this life, your courage, your resilience, your love.
You create an incredible impact as a woman in society, whether you realise it or not. The true depth of the impact of love you wish to see in the world begins from within you.
To celebrate International Women’s Day, as a gift from me I would like to share my free e-book if you would like the book, click this link “Returning to You - A Woman's Guide to Empowering Health" and you will be able to access and download.
It will give you some ideas and easy daily strategies that you will find helpful and supportive to your physical, mental and emotional health.
Happy International Women’s Day amazing woman, and may you celebrate the incredible Goddess that you are.
Shine bright.