Do You Follow Your Inner Compass to Calm?

I hope your week has been kind.  

I’ve noticed in the conversations I have been having with women during my 20-minute Clarity Sessions this week that people are starting to really feel that stir from within. The inner dialogue and stirring is starting to get louder and they are realising they can no longer ignore that it is time to create change and a more nourishing life.

In the tools I share I like to refer to this as the COMPASS TO CALM. We all understand that a compass tells us the direction we are going in. Most of us understand that we wish to live a more peaceful, calm, happy and nourished life. The difference is we don’t listen or focus on the inner compass; we focus on what other people think or what is right or wrong or how do I help other people feel comfortable, happy or pleased.  You being uncomfortable with a situation is your inner compass telling you something is not aligning.

When you start to listen to your Inner Compass, you find your true way home and discover your inner calm. Life doesn’t have to change to be better.  Your ability to cope and find solutions becomes a powerful advantage!

It will lead you to a place that enables you to weather any storm of life, and leave any storm from your past behind for good. It helps you to set yourself free of the struggle and find a place inside yourself that truly helps you find your calm and it becomes your “true North”—a sanctuary of strength and empowerment.



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