The Busy Badge is Not a Badge of Honour - Here’s Why…

Okay ladies and gentlemen. I know I am not the only one to say “let’s stop wearing busy as a badge of honour” but let’s really get into the discussion!

How often do we feel like we are going under in life, overwhelmed, out of energy and just in need of a chance to catch our breath? Then why don’t we?

It only takes a change of perspective to stop getting caught in the busy struggle and instead lift your head above the struggle, take a long, deep breath, regain focus, and gain a new perspective. Then you can dive down deep into the things in life with a fresh outlook and reserves.

We can all admit life is busy. Isn’t it meant to be filled with lots of different things? Isn’t that life? Wouldn’t it be boring if it wasn’t? 

The difference is that we have become so used to this dialogue that it has become numb.  The dialogue when you meet someone on the street that goes a little like this….

“Hi, how are you?”

“Great, busy, really busy but great.”

Why do we think we have to be busy to be worth something?

What part of our mind says busy means ‘I am successful’? It is an outdated belief system. It is an outdated mode of thinking that keeps people comparing themselves with others.

“If I am not busy with a schedule that is so overfull that I feel I can't even breathe, I mustn’t be succeeding or trying hard enough in my chosen field.”

Or if you're at home with kids. If your life isn’t so busy that you feel overwhelmed, something must be wrong. Aren't mums meant to be busy, exhausted and tired? Isn’t that what many in society think is the norm?

I will never forget what it was like to all of a sudden realise how many people started telling me my life was busy ....

“Oh you let me know when you want to catch up. Your life is so busy.”  

One day I thought, “Hang on a minute! Aren’t I the one to decide if I am busy or not?!” 

So then the journey shifted for me. 

I began to realise just how much we wear “busy” as a badge of importance or success. 

That realisation came to me about 12 years ago and my life has felt so much more like it works with me, rather than against me, ever since.

I am the one who decides if life is busy or not. 

I get to choose whether I say “Yes” or “Thank you, but No.” 

If my mind begins to feel overwhelmed, I am the one that gives me my talking too! 

“Ok, Alli. Where is this not working for you? Why does it feel like pressure?”

Then I am able to shift and move things until I feel the freedom again. But the first thing I have to move is me; the way I am looking at it.

If you are organised with spare time, this does NOT mean that your business is not successful, or you’re not working hard enough, or you’re not spending enough time with your kids. It means you are LIVING your life and LOVING your family, your career and yourself. It means that you are not overwhelmed by the mind but rather able to choose and live with clarity.

So, let’s all burn that “I am busy-badge” and let’s all celebrate being successful and happy and yet authentic to ourselves.

It is one of my favourite sayings to my patients—“Success is authentic Living.”  Meaning don’t gauge your success on your calendar or bank balance but on how nourished you feel by your career, relationships and daily life.

I hope this newsletter has helped you give permission to yourself to be successful but also be nourished.  

Please remember my invitation from last week to reach out on my website for a FREE 20 Minute Clarity Session No strings attached.  Free support - it is that simple!

I know the ladies who did reach out last week told me how much the Clarity Session helped them to gain focus and receive great tips and  tools that they could use straight away.  That is why I love to share them.  They work!

There are limited spaces offered each week so if it interest you to gain help for free don’t delay in emailing me on or reach out via my contact page here on the website.

Have an amazing week being you and remember to give yourself permission to feel nourished, to  shine bright and brilliant!



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