Moving from Self Criticism to Empowerment
How has your week been?
In writing this I was thinking about how often we forget that life is lived through learning—through the experiences we have. No one gave us the manual to a perfect life (well I haven’t met anyone with one yet!).
Our life is meant to have its ups and not-so ups, otherwise we would not experience growth, change and, better still, creation. But have you ever just wanted that inner critic that second guesses your every move to go and speak to someone else?
Let me ask you something…
In the last 30 days, how often have you said something critical about yourself in your own inner dialogue?
How does that make you feel?
Have you ever noticed how habitual it is to have self-criticism?
The challenge is we don’t have anyone to call us out on it or stop it!
It can happen when we’re sitting right beside our partner, a girlfriend or our kids. That negative dialogue is going on inside our head but no one else is aware of it.
I often share with people how when they become aware of their self-criticism, they’re 90% of the way towards stopping it.
It opens up a world of empowered growth or truly creating permanent positive change - but it helps if you have the tools.
Awareness comes from observing and from witnessing. It is a huge part of the Vedic way of sharing.
Do you remember in one of my previous blogs I was discussing goals-v-intentions? How is that going for you? Is there any disappointment creeping in? Has your inner critic started telling you that you have failed, already? Did you set the goal or the intention?
Importantly, is the self-criticism there or are you making small but consistent steps?
I know I am asking lots of questions but it is in asking yourself these questions you begin to realise how much your inner dialogue is undermining your worth. It also undermines your belief that change is possible. It can cause procrastination and worse—can lead to use becoming stagnant or giving up.
Please don’t give up! You are worthy of making the changes to live a nourished, fulfilled and successful life.
It begins with knowing you have had enough, believing in you and more importantly backing that up with the positive inner dialogue.
Aren’t we all worth living our greatest Self?