Trusting the Rising Inner Wisdom

Hello, I hope your week & life have been nourishing. Thank you to all the local ladies purchasing tickets for our upcoming Marvellous Menopause Information Night, where we shall share empowering & informative ways to reclaim your health, your hormones & your life. I did have some ladies ask if it would be helpful for PMS & the answer is definitely YES, come along you will gain some great information to support your health.

Speaking of health, often in everyday life we find ourselves "always doing," whether that be mentally or physically. Now I know I am not the first person to say "We are "human-beings" NOT "human-doings."

In that statement alone we can find comfort & acknowledgement that our natural state is "being" to be active but to also be present.

Many of the people I speak with are looking for more connected daily living. Often we are not even aware that something is missing, until we hear the "Inner Guidance" rising, sometimes screaming at us to change things in our life. But our mind ignores the cry from within, for the quiet, calm, stillness in our life & is quick to dismiss it as "not realistic, that there are too many demands to possibly create it & so we justify to ourselves why it is that we can not find the time to nurture the "being" within us. This often can create feelings of resentment towards the demands.

But if we do not take action who will?

Is it not our responsibility & our gift of life?

Trusting the Inner Wisdom is the beginning for one of the most empowered life changing experiences a human being can have. For in the trust & connection to the Inner Wisdom, there is the remembering of the Divine Heart within.

There is a consciousness rising. People are wanting nourishment & happiness in their daily lives, not just saved for the holidays & special occasions. So perhaps next time you crave a quieter, calmer, more peaceful existence, may I suggest instead of finding the reasons why you can’t. Stop right where you are, thank your mind for the excuses & then take the proactive choice to breathe in & as you breathe out, let go of the feelings of busyness, & instead tap deep into an inner calm as you move more gently & mindfully into your day. Yes, you can feel still & calm even in the movement of everyday life. It is always with you, it always has been, it is whether you notice it or not is the trick. A little like the old saying it is "calm in the centre of the storm." I like to call it "calm in the chaos." It can be your sanctuary, your haven, no matter how many demands or challenges you may have in your life.

You are the "center" of your existence, isn’t it time to perhaps begin to listen to your own Inner Wise words & feelings, they will always serve you well.

If you find it difficult to find this quiet place, please always know you are welcome to reach out via my contact page to chat with me.

May the week ahead inspire your heart, your life & your choices.

Take care,


Standing in Your Power


Empowering Health - Empowering Life