How is January Working for You?
Are you setting those intentions?
How are they going?
If you’ve been following my weekly newsletters over the past month or so, you might have noticed I’ve been spending time talking about ways you can make small changes to your daily life and routine to find calm amongst the chaos.
We’ve talked about things like:
Setting intentions, instead of goals.
Noticing how food impacts our mood.
Taking small steps each day to make positive changes in our lives.
Applying your own mask first.
Embracing the power of your breath.
As we settle into 2022, I’d love to support you in continuing this learning so you can create realistic changes in your day-to-day which will have an enormous, positive impact on your life.
I feel the best way I can do that is by asking how is your “Self dialogue/Inner Critic” voice going?
We all know there is no benefit to negative talk. But somehow it seems to still find its way into many moments in the mind.
In helping women who previously have not been able to create permanent change in their health and life. The first thing we need to identify is the “negative Self talk.” Negative talk sets them up for a belief system that has them feeling it is all too hard or success is for other women to achieve.
Trust me, I get it. That is why I say to you if you are finding it hard, feeling like you would like some extra support in making this year REALLY count, please reach out on my website for a FREE 20 Minute Clarity Session to do just that.
No strings attached. Free support - isn’t that refreshing!
There are limited spaces for this week so if it interests you to gain help for FREE don’t delay in emailing me on or reach out via my contact page.
Have an amazing week being you and remember to shine bright and brilliant!