What do you actually do, Alli?
This week it seems a bit weird to be writing my Blog about what it is I actually do and you are reading this on my website!
But I thought maybe if you are looking at my blog for the first time and aren’t familiar with the terms Ayurvedic and Yogic Practitioner, which are part of my various qualifications, I thought it might help if I explained a little more about the foundations of what I do and share.
I have spent a huge portion of my life sharing with people the knowledge of the amazing sciences of Ayurveda (pronounced eye-er-vay-da) and Yoga. I was so inspired to share this knowledge that I am in the process of writing a book! But I thought, okay, that’s great. But not everyone is REALLY interested in Ayurveda and Yoga...
It got me thinking.
What if I could share just enough to help, without it being too much information.
What if I could help people understand a little more so they could make immediate changes in their lives and gain huge positive results.
What if I could help people understand themselves a little deeper.
What if I could help people start to calm their busy minds.
So I decided to write a smaller e-book and give it away for FREE here on my website. You will find the link on my homepage.
If you are interested in better health or a calmer mind, I’d love you to take a read.
This book will help you gain more knowledge about how this 5,000-year-old tradition is still as relevant to creating a healthier, calmer, happier you today in 2022 as it was way back then.
Ayurveda and Yoga are known as Sister Sciences and were intended to complement each other to help a person not only create but maintain optimal health physically, mentally and emotionally. Being dual trained enables me to help people make these sometimes unknown sciences become easily integrated into your life.
Trust me, even a little bit of knowledge around these incredible gifts to humanity will literally change your world forever!
Have an amazing week being you and remember to shine bright and brilliant!