Standing in Your Power

Welcome to this week’s offering.

Thank you to everyone who attended last night’s creating a Marvellous Menopause event. What a beautiful time of women coming together to celebrate life and the natural transitions. It was an honour to connect with many new faces and hearts and share with old familiar ones too. I am incredibly grateful to have shared time with you all.

The intention within last night and my newsletter is to discuss topics that perhaps begin the conversations of enquiry within yourself.

Over the last few months I have been building on the topics of outdated belief systems that no longer serve you, self-sabotage, fear and learning to be guided by trust and the inner wisdom. As previously mentioned one of the most empowered moments is the realisation there is a limiting belief system recreating patterns/situations holding us back.

It can be anything from negative self-talk, food choices, lack of exercise, lack of self-belief, guilt, poor relationship choices, the list is long, but one thing is for certain, the moment you recognise they are present and it is time to leave them behind you are in an empowered position. Once you know they exist you are 95% of the way there. The next step, consistency of creating a new way.

Do you remember my quick list from a previous newsletter to help break this old outdated belief system?

This week I will use the habit of negative Self talk as an example -

1. Know it exists

You catch yourself saying "Oh I’m hopeless, it’s my fault, that was stupid."

2. Know you want to change it.

You understand that saying this is not helping or motivating you. Ask yourself, would I say it to someone I love? I am sure the answer is no, so then don’t say it to you. This begins not only helping you, but in beginning this process you give someone else the role model of believing in themselves more. What a precious gift of truth that is.

3. Know and then choose what positive behaviour/mindset to replace it with.

If negative self-talk is Plan A then you need to have a Plan B ready. Replace "I’m hopeless with I’m learning." Keep it simple and keep it lighthearted.

4. Know that it will take consistent positive choices to change.

Be kind to yourself and if you catch yourself 100 times in one day that is amazing and should be celebrated, because you are aware you are having negative self-talk 100 times and you are taking positive steps to change it. That is powerful!

5. Know it is important to be kind to yourself as you learn and grow.

Accepting, forgiving and being kind to yourself is the key, catch any self- negativity, smile or laugh instead, something like "Oh there I go again, no - not any more." It empowers you and disempowers the overthinking, critical mind habits.

These are five simple yet powerful ways to begin to make positive change in your life. What better way to inspire yourSelf, family and friends. Does it work? YES, just ask the many amazing people who I have shared this with in clinic or my program who are now living their lives free from the negativity and are no longer their own harshest critics but their own biggest fanclubs.

Your choices, your creations on your canvas to create and live life.

You’ve got this, no negativity here, just one breath, one step at a time, remember there is no manual to life, just experiencing it.

We are in a time of great change, let the inner wisdom that is naturally within rise. It is waiting for the mind to step out of the way so it can be heard. It needs you to nudge the mind out of the way by letting go of the self-sabotage/critical talk.

Trusting your Inner Wisdom is the beginning for one of the most empowered life changing experiences a human can have, in trust and connection to the Inner Wisdom, there is the remembering of the Divinity and peace within.

If you are someone who finds it hard to break negative habits or mindset and you would like a little extra support, please connect with me via my contact page.

It will be an honour to connect and hear your story.

May you continue to be your greatest inspiration and motivation.



K.I.S. The Natural Way to Live


Trusting the Rising Inner Wisdom