School Zone for Your Mind
Welcome to this week’s offering, I hope this newsletter finds you well and I can imagine perhaps a little busy as the month of December is here.
I thought that to coincide with the release of the next Inner Light Podcast episode “School Zone for the Mind,” I would chat to you about the subject here.
As I have mentioned to you previously, mindfulness literally means having a “MIND FULL of NOW.” So you can see that living with it can help nourish our enjoyment of life, being more present within it and at a slower pace.
But why is it important for our health?
I like to use the 40kms School Zone as an analogy.
We all understand why we drive at 40kms around school zones for safety, to allow us to pull up quickly if needed. I see mindfulness like the School Zone for the mind. If we live at a slower pace in our everyday life and thoughts, it becomes easier to slow down when we wish to stop to sleep, meditate or simply relax.
Have you ever wanted to relax but your mind and body have you constantly jumping up to do the things you keep thinking of? That is a classic example of a mind and nervous system running too fast and so it is hard for you to “pull up and stop.” This fast pace can have a detrimental result on the body and potentially cause “burn-out.”
If we run our lives multi-tasking, constantly on the run and busy, we are running at a highway speed of 100kms. Imagine having to pull up quickly on the highway travelling at that speed? It is hard, nearly impossible to do it quickly and safely. Often people think that a fast pace is required to create efficiency when in my work, people often become more efficient the more mindful they become. More decisive and completing tasks in full rather than half doing things and moving onto the next.
So perhaps next time you drive past a school zone, think twice and ask yourself, am I living my life in the nourishment of mindfulness or am I stuck in the fast lane?
If you find it hard to slow the thoughts and busyness down, please reach out for some easy but effective tools or subscribe to the Inner Light Podcast to hear the latest episode School Zone for the Mind being released this coming Saturday.
Have an inspirational week finding the special moments each day.