Are you guilty of “comparisonitis”?
I hope your week is flowing for you?
This week I thought I would chat about whether you’ve ever noticed how much we compare ourselves?
We compare on so many levels…….looks, parenting, business, even being a woman or a man, and whether we have it all together or not!
My question is always “Who is judging?”.
Scratch the surface and you will usually find it is your inner critic and lack of Self Worth.
If we are aware we have these feelings of lack, surely that must mean we realise it is time to be free of them for good?
As soon as we compare ourselves we lose ourselves.
Are we not unique? No one has your life and you don’t have anyone else’s. Sure, we all have hurdles, stresses, demands and maybe even health challenges, but really our life is our own unique signature.
If there is one thing I love to share with the people I am honoured to work with it is to own your uniqueness and then empower yourself in that growth!
Honestly, look at parenting. How can you compare how you are parenting? Aren’t your children unique with their own personalities? Aren’t you trying to encourage that in them?
If we celebrate our uniqueness then we STOP comparing. We START supporting each other at bringing to the table our individuality.
My challenge to you is this: Can you start to recognise how often you compare? Then pay attention to how useless that comparison can be and how much it undermines your self-worth.
One of my favourite sayings to my patients is “Success is authentic living”, meaning please don’t gauge success on how full your calendar is or bank balance but on how nourished you feel by your career, relationships and daily life.
Do you go to bed each night with a smile on your face feeling you lived your greatest day, even if you had challenges?
How do you feel nourished? By being you, not trying to be someone else and certainly not comparing your successes against someone else’s.
So I say 2022—let the game of “Comparisonitis” be gone!
Let me know what you think? Has this helped you to trust your uniqueness? Email me let me know?
I hope so.
Or if you would like to know more tips or tools, reach out and ask me. Remember it all begins with noticing first, then you have a choice whether to keep the habit or shift it.
Take care and have the most brilliant and bright week ahead,