Apply Your Own Mask First
I was reflecting on some old blogs recently and thought with the busy season fast approaching it might be a good time to revisit this topic.
I know we are all well and truly over the “mask thing,” but the teaching of “apply your own mask first” was around long before our recent global pandemic and can have powerful positive results in our life.
If you have been on an aeroplane you have been through the safety drills. They tell us loud and clear that should there be an emergency, the masks will drop from above and they state “Please apply your own mask first before helping others."
As a Woman with many different roles, I can share with you that somewhere along the line we lost this practice. We were told it is selfish to look after you first. I am here to say a big loud NO, it’s not! Because just like in the plane, if you are okay you can support and be there for others.
If you are gasping for air, drowning under the weight of responsibilities and demands, how can you be there for your family? For your career? But most importantly how can you be there for you and your health?
Don’t you deserve to enjoy your life? This isn’t a practice run.
Each day our life gives us so many opportunities. It doesn’t just save all the good things for holidays.
Life is every day. This is it. So let’s help you make the most of it.
Just like the plane, the mindful breath will always be the greatest, cheapest, easiest way to apply self care to yourself first. Breath is life and something as simple as bringing it into your everyday awareness can have major positive changes in your physiology and psychology. It is easy, doesn't cost anything, is always with you, all you need to do is notice and apply.
Noticing your breath throughout the day is an opportunity to gain a "little oxygen" and release steam out of your "pressure cooker of tension/emotions" so you don't explode at the end of the day!
Here is the simple place to start to help the mind and breath-
Breathe in - Saying in your mind “I am breathing in”….
Breathe out - Saying in your mind “I am breathing out”...
Now as you do this, imagine all the tension (aka steam) that has been building up in your mind, emotions and physical body melting away.
Honestly, have you ever been in a check out line (especially at the moment with Christmas fast approaching!) and you are feeling stressed because it isn’t moving quick enough? Why not do this instead? You are there anyway? Wishing the line to move quicker won’t make it move quicker. So why not practice this and you will be the one that by the time you get to the cashier you will smile and ask her/him how their day is. Isn’t that so much nicer than the tension and steam you used to build?
It helps you apply your mask first in all kinds of situations.
Stuck in traffic instead of being frustrated, breathe and let the tension go.
Running late to a meeting or getting the kids to school. Breathe, that way when you arrive you won’t burst through the door a hot mess or send the kids out of the car with a “Quick, hurry up get out!”. Instead, you (and the kids) will arrive cool, calm and ready to do whatever it is you are there for.
Can’t get to sleep, well you know getting frustrated won’t help you get to sleep, instead, try the breath and melt the tension and thoughts into the bed and into the floor. Or get up go outside in the cool night air look at the stars, breathe and calm. Then go back to bed.
There are a thousand different strategies and scenarios I could share with you. If you would like some help with a personal scenario and how to let the steam off reach out via the contact page.
Have an amazing week being you, on moment at a time.