Inspiring Insights

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You don’t need me to tell you life is busy and we are constantly receiving information from many different sources. I believe we need to support and share positive ideas; talk about the topics that can make a real difference in our health, lives and our communities. Within my blogs and newsletters I always try to share things that will uplift you, give you ideas and tools to help you in your every day that won’t take unrealistic amounts of your time. It is my humble offering to support a healthier, calmer way of living…

Alli Garison Alli Garison

Are You Ignoring the Feeling of Change Stirring Within?

How’s your week been?  

Life is always full of surprises with its ups and “not so ups” as I like to call it, isn’t it?

This week I wanted to chat with you about feeling that inner desire for change? Perhaps it's a feeling within, perhaps it's an inner voice. Perhaps it’s a feeling of going under in your life and you don’t know how to grab a life line to keep your head above all your demands.

The main thing is that you know there is a need for change. I think that is the big one.  If something isn’t working for you, then you know that deep inside, don’t you?

If ever in my life I knew I needed to create change but didn’t think I could do it, I always pictured myself chatting with one of my girlfriends. If she was talking to me about what I was thinking about myself, how I would encourage her to give it a go, to trust herself even if it felt a little uncomfortable. 

Sometimes we need to let ourselves feel uncomfortable to feel the possibilities of who we can become. 

I can tell you there have been plenty of times I have felt that “uncomfortable, uncertain” feeling. But I always applied this image and it worked like gold everytime.

So my question is, why don’t we do this for ourselves; trust and believe in our own abilities? Easy, because we help others apply their mask first before we put our own on. Remember from last week about how important it is to apply your own mask first?

Small steps, making the change, believing in you. 

Whatever it is, don’t think it is too big. Just feel it and follow it and remember nothing happens in one leap. But you have to take one step forward to begin the journey.

What will your step in your journey to positive self change be this week?

  • Being kinder in your thoughts and inner dialogue about yourself?

  • Would you say what you are thinking to a girlfriend?

  • Believing in you like you believe in others?

  • Noticing your breath more?

  • Taking 3-5 minutes to stand on the grass?

  • Eating better?

  • Drinking more water?

  • Getting more sleep?

Have an amazing week being you and remember to shine bright and brilliant!


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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Apply Your Mask First Please (*No it’s not what you think!)

Okay, okay. I know we are all over the “mask thing”.  But my teaching of “apply your own mask first” was around long before our current global situation.

It goes a little like this. All of us who have been on an aeroplane have been through the lovely safety drills. They tell us loud and clear that should there be an emergency, the masks will fall from above and they state “Please apply your own mask first before helping others.”. 

As a Woman of many different roles, I can share with you that somewhere along the line we lost this practice and were told it is selfish to look after you first. I am here to say a big loud NO, it’s not! Because just like in the plane, if you are okay you can support and be there for others. 

If you are gasping for air, drowning under the weight of responsibilities and demands how can you be there for your family? For your career? But most importantly how can you be there for you and your health?

Don’t you deserve to enjoy your life? It isn’t just a practice run. Each day our life gives us so many opportunities. It doesn’t just save all the good things for holidays.

Life is every day. This is it. Let’s help you make the most of it.

During last week’s discussion of the topic “Why do we keep waiting?”, I gave you simple ideas of how to practice the beginning of change. Did you give them a go? Just like the plane, the mindful breath will always be the greatest application to apply to yourself first.  

Breath is life and something as simple as bringing it into your everyday awareness can have major positive changes in your physiology and psychology.

Noticing your breath throughout the day is a little like letting the steam out of the pressure cooker.  Little moments of releasing the “tension/steam” that helps you to not be ready to explode by the end of the day!  Does that happen to you? It used to happen to me especially when my family was younger but then I began to apply what I knew from my yoga teaching, what I am sharing here, and my whole world changed.

Here is a simple hint to give a go. Remember you are breathing anyway, aren’t you? No extra time, it is already with you so no expense, but what it does take is for you to notice…

Breathe in - Saying in your mind  “I am breathing in”….

Breathe out - Saying in your mind “I am breathing out”...

Now as you do this, imagine all the tension aka steam that has been building up in your mind, emotions and physical body melting away to the earth.  Every exhalation is like lifting the lid, letting the steam go tension to melt from you as you breathe out….

Honestly, have you ever been in a check out line (especially at the moment with Christmas!) and you are feeling stressed because it isn’t moving quick enough? Why not do this instead?  You are there anyway?  Wishing the line to move quicker won’t make it move quicker.  So why not practice this and you will be the one that by the time you get to the cashier you will smile and ask her/him how their day is. Isn’t that so much nicer than the tension and steam you used to build?

It helps you apply your mask first in all kinds of situations.

Here’s a few examples from daily life when you might feel the “steam” building. 

Bathing your kids: Whilst you are there beside the bath helping them bathe, practice breathing.

Stuck in traffic instead of being frustrated: Practice the mask of breath first.

Running late to a meeting or getting the kids to school: Again, practice the mask of breath first. That way when you arrive you won’t burst through the door a hot mess or send the kids out of the car with a “Quick, hurry up!”. Instead, you and the kids will arrive cool, calm and ready to do whatever it is you are there for.

Can’t get to sleep: Well you know getting frustrated won’t help you get to sleep. So instead, try the breath and melt the tension and thoughts into the bed and into the floor.

Honestly, there are a thousand different strategies and scenarios I could share with you.  If you need some help with a personal scenario and how to let the steam off please reach out.  

I am always here happy to help anyone who is looking for ways to create positive change in the busy life they lead.

Hope you found this newsletter helpful.

Have an amazing week being you and remember to shine bright and brilliant!


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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Why Do We Wait to Begin Change?

Have you ever wondered why we always wait to begin change? What is it that makes us think a better time is just around the corner? 

  • Wait until the kids get older

  • Wait until we have a better job

  • Wait until our relationship improves

  • Wait until the current global situation is finished….

The thing about waiting is that we’re relying on something external changing. You don’t need me to tell you there are many things in our world which are out of our control.

The one thing that is within our control is ourselves. The one thing that is present at everything in our life, is us! How we choose to interact with ourselves and the world is within our grasp.

Often we don’t realise that the reason we do not begin is because it all seems too hard, too out of reach. That is because we are looking at the result we want, the entire mountain. It seems all too big, hard and for someone else to have—but not us.

You too can create your change. No matter how big or small, it will all begin the same way. By beginning to decide “Yes, this is my time NOW”.  

Often the first step is the hardest, but it doesn’t need to be the biggest.  

The smallest first step, followed by the next can often make such a huge ripple deep within us that it stirs our inner dialogue and actually excites us, empowers us, and motivates us to continue creating change!

What small things in your world can you begin to change?  Don’t go external to you, go within you. That’s where real magic happens.  

Here are some suggestions that might inspire you?

Do you want to feel calmer?

Begin by as soon as you wake up and before you go to sleep, practice three breaths with the sentence “I am breathing in….I am breathing out…”  As you do this, feel the breath out giving you permission to relax your body. The sentence will help your mind find a place of pause. Seems so simple yet is so profound and begins the process of letting you calm from within.

Would you like to have more time to yourself?

Begin by giving yourself 2-3 minutes when you just stand with your feet on the grass.  Might be in the morning, might be of a night.  2-3 minutes in 1440 minutes in your day?  Aren’t you worth it?  

Want to slow that busy mind down but don’t know how to?  

Begin by practising the first tip and then, when you feel ready, add the second tip in. That way you are saving time and you're breathing anyway, right?

Do you feel exhausted and wish you didn’t feel like that but you can’t change the demands you have in your life?

At different times throughout your day, ask yourself “Is my mind somewhere else to where I am physically?” If the answer is yes then that means your mind is stealing your life and your energy away.  It burns a lot of energy to think.  It is like having the choke up too high on the lawn mower.  Burning more fuel than you need too!

Begin throughout your day really noticing where you are physically to where you are mentally.  You will not believe how once you notice, you will not only realise how much energy it is taking but also how much of the gifts in your day you miss because your mind has you somewhere else!

These four simple ideas may be simple but my question is: Do you currently apply them?

If not, give them a go. You will not believe how much it begins to help you find a calmer, happier, healthier, more energetic and productive YOU!

Small steps to start the change. It has to start somewhere, but most important is making sure it starts at all!

If you would like to hear more of the free suggestions ensure to sign up to receive my Newsletter where I will share tips and tools to support your creation of health, calm and nourishment in your everyday existence.

Have an amazing week being you and remember to shine bright and brilliant!


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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Welcome to our new look

I truly believe we never stop healing, growing and expanding.

If we are natural (nature), how can we? The work I am honoured to share and the website which is no different. They are an extension of who I am and with the guidance of some amazing people - Tahnee’ Sanders of The Strategy Studio and Blake Fairey of Blake Fairey Design the result is what you see published today. Thank you to you two and the hours of helping me to create. It is a new look, a deeper essence of the work I share.

My prayer, that it helps another woman, more women realise, it is time, that they are valued and believed in. That they too can have and live the life they were born to live.

Thank you to all near and far, who believe in and continue to support the work I share.


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Alli Garison Alli Garison

The Gift of Growing

As I sit here on this Sunday, I pause, breathe, and smile. Why? Because it never ceases to amaze me how our own life is truly our greatest teacher. That when we see each day and moment as an opportunity to interact, heal and grow. That when we surrender who we think we need to be and enable ourselves to grow in ways we never thought possible life becomes sweeter. Oh so much sweeter.

I often think how we can become locked into who we think we need to be. That we have ticked our boxes and should then be ready to settle. But does a tree ever just settle? Does the Ocean ever just stop? Do the sun and moon stop rising and setting? The answer is obviously NO. So then, if we too are nature, alive and organic we are meant to learn, let go of perhaps who we use to be to enable the growth of who we are becoming to shine and become free.

The nourishment we need to continue to grow is love, love for our courage, our belief, our kindness and our forgiveness for ourselves and for others. The love for never, ever, ever giving up. That we may not have always got it right, but if we gave it our all, then nothing else can be asked.

May you feel the inner stirring, and may you hear her/him/they beginning to ROAR and may your Inner Light SOAR.



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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Hold the Love…Hold the Light

We are all aware of the story as old as time of light-v- dark.  

We are constantly challenged by things that perhaps we do not believe in or agree with.  

Sometimes these conversations occur within ourselves, sometimes with others.

Yet this is what keeps up captive in EGO.

For it is in holding TRUTH of the BRIGHTEST LIGHT - LOVE that we find a gentleness, a kindness and a place of COMPASSION NON REACTION.  

A place where EGO and dark can not exist.

Where does the need to prove what it is we believe in come from?  EGO.  

Is it not in the LIVING and ACTIONS where the greatest TRUTH OF BELIEF is shared?  

When we LEARN to HOLD TRUE to the LOVE we always hold true to the LIGHT.

There can be no greater gift of PEACE we can share within OURSELVES and WITH EACH OTHER.

The fight is over, no more do we push back against the dark, fear, uncertainty or need to control.  

In the EMBRACING and LIVING the GIFT OF THE ETERNAL NOW.  We LIVE in ALIGNMENT with the LIGHT and TRUTH that LOVE will always DISSOLVE any heavy darkness of uncertainty or fear.  

What situation in your life is causing you angst?  Whether it be within yourself or a situation or relationship.





We are not only witnessing but LIVING in the raising of consciousness.

Shine Bright,



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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Mothering is Creation & Mother is Creating

As I sit here in the sun to write this Blog, there are so many ways I could write the words that are within me.

I was honoured to be a guest on “Miss Bossy Boots” Podcast with Stacey Morgan this week and the topic Stacey had asked me to speak about was how women change when they become a Mother. The topic is a vast one from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual changes. We only touched the surface but hopefully helped.

I wanted to add to the discussion and hopefully support some women in finding compassion and acceptance for themselves through these words I write today.

Mother’s are amazing. Women are amazing. Women were gifted the birthing ability for a reason. Our ability to adapt, change and embrace change. It is deep within our DNA to create, be light, be love and nurture. Mothers come in many different forms and all are beautiful and brave.

To me, Mothering is Creation. Not only of humans, but of ideas, businesses, inventions. In becoming a Mother it is important not to lose who you are as a Spirit. Don’t get lost in the role.

Mothering is an energy that is as old as time itself. It is an individual, unique and beautiful journey. Society will reflect a Mother should do this, or a Mother should not do that. Where did we lose the creative for a Woman to Mother the way that felt right to her?

Mothering evolves as we do. Why are we still with these old belief systems that were from 60-80-100’s of years ago when life as we know it has changed so much.

This year has reflected to me within my own life how it is time to stop bringing these old outdated beliefs with us.

It is time, it is time to remind our Mothers that they are wonderful, that they matter, that they are doing a wonderful job. For me as a Mother and even in my role as a Grandmother, trust me I did not always nor do I still always get it right, but one thing I know is that I gave and give it my all with the best I had and have at the time. Is that not enough? Isn’t that all we can ever ask?

Mothers, and those that know Mothers, know how loved you are, trust your inner wisdom, trust that you can work, own a business or multiple businesses and be a wonderful Mum and Woman! Create, create, create, but ensure that what you are creating is the calling within your own heart and not the influence of what you believe you should be.

May the Mothers of the World unite to remind all the World that Peace, Health, Love and Acceptance is the lesson our Divine Mother is reflecting to us at the moment. The Ultimate Creation.❤️

Thank you for reading.🙏🏽

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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Expanding, Ever Changing Times

As we all know life is certainly full of gifts, blessings, and constant change.

As I write this Blog, I am filled with immense gratitude and excitement. I love the way the Universe weaves her magic and guides us in ways we never believed possible.

I and the team would like to thank everyone who supported us during the time we had our physical clinic open.

We have not closed but rather transformed to completely online servicing our local and international clients.

If you are interested in what it is, we share and the incredible health benefits that can be received.

Please continue look at our website - as we add more FREE information and help.

We look forward to continuing to support our dedicated patients and continue to welcome helping new people far and wide. 

Welcoming in a new era of expanding our reach and helping to continue to spread health, happiness, and peace across the Globe.

Take care,

Alli, Vic, Di & Blake.

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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Living in the NOW = Freedom

This morning I was thinking about my post for Instagram for the day, I thought,

“What does it mean to live in the NOW, the PRESENT, with MINDFULNESS?”

It all sounds great in theory but is it realistic?

Is it a way that can truly be lived?

The answer is a loud and affirmative YES and it delivers absolute FREEDOM.

It is not a magic solution to a peace filled perfect easy life. But what it is is a solution to a lifestyle that enables centering, kindness, compassion and the inner strength to face any situation or hurdle in life with the ability to move through it gracefully and with awareness.

It gives a sense and a way of LIVING NOW = when your mind, emotions and physical body are aligned to the same moment in time =FREEDOM. 

Not caught in future worry mind loop. 

Not in past concerns, regrets or traumas.

But rather a LIFE LIVED together in the moment you are actually living in the BEAUTY OF NOW.

One that even if you are being challenged by life enables and empowers you to move through the greatest of challenges or hurts.

It can begin by - 

Breathing in and say within your mind 

“I am breathing in”...

as you breathe out say...”I am breathing out...” 

and you have taken your first steps towards true freedom of peace and harmony mentally, physically and emotionally.  

We invite you to try it for at least three breaths and notice do you feel a little calmer? Do you feel a little more settled?

Now that all is required is to practice, you are always breathing, you always have the ability with you. All you need to do is apply it and thrive in the FREEDOM of not only hearing, reading or talking about MINDFULNESS and PEACE but ACTUALLY LIVING IT.




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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Gratitude Turbo Boosts Mindset

You don’t need me to to tell you life is reflecting its fair share of challenges our way at the moment!

So much is out of our control.  Things may not be the “norm” at the moment, but even that is a concept in itself.

What is normal these days?  What is normal at all?

Every day is different, it always has been. It is just that much of our life stays similar, perhaps almost a feeling of safety in the everyday “little things we take for granted”. Kids going to school, us going to our jobs, being able to socialise and being able to not wear a mask!

But alas it is not what we are living at the moment.  Masks save lives, staying home and keeping our distance supports helping each other stay healthy and safe.

But one thing that this current state is truly reflecting to us is that the wonder of life is found within us.  Within how we view the world, how we react to it and to the situations within it.

One of the greatest gifts we give ourselves and each other during these “hurdles of humanity” is to choose wisely what we think, feel and how we act.

In seeing the wonder in life, in the little things, we find gratitude.  GRATITUDE is the key almost a TURBO of SHIFTING your thoughts and MINDSET from low to abundantly HIGH.  

Try it!  Really Try it!  

We all know to be grateful is one thing.  We easily say oh yes I am grateful for many things.  But how often do we STOP,  really stop and FEEL how abundant and wonder filled our lives are?

Spent a few moments today look up, see the sun, the blue sky, feel your breath, watch the trees, reach out to someone you love.  All can help your mindset shift from feeling empty and low to full and filled with love.  Better still you can help someone else feel lighter.

Reach out or share this blog with a friend who may need some support at the moment.

May you feel the Inner Light of your Beautiful Self, rise beyond your current challenges and SHINE. -

Alli x

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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Breath is Life

Hello everyone, as you know I am passionate about breathing.

It is essential for life.

My blog this week is to ask you a question….How often do you notice your breathing?

We have discussed this in previous blogs. Did you begin to notice? If not, why not try something so simple as drawing your awareness and attention to the breath and see what positive affects it can bring to your health, your emotions and your mental state. Why not try it today? 3-4 times a day notice your breathing, work with the simple sentence “I am breathing in…..I am breathing out” inside your own mind whilst you breathe in and out. It will help guide your mind to be present, it will support your nervous system and it will expand a feeling of calmness. Isn’t it worth a try? - Take care, Alli

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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Entering a New Era

Today 11 July 2021, sees a New Moon and the dawning of a new era for us here at

We have today launched our On-Line Store. Our first Product on offer is Inner Light Expanded.

Some of you may be familiar with my FREE Inner Light Podcast in which we have been dedicated to sharing to support relaxation, healing and positive mental/emotional health.

When I first had the vision of Inner Light Expanded, it was to take the listener on a more personalised journey. One of an extended sanctuary of quiet deep healing. Whilst this is our humble first offering may we continue to grow and improve in our other planned products over the coming months and years.

Inner Light Expanded has been supported and come to fruition through the work of many including Blake Fairey, Blake Fairey Design, Jo Kelly of Cafe Mantra Music, and Stacey Morgan of Morgan Media. From my heart thank you to each of you.

I dedicate this work to the Listener and to the Divine Grace of Mother Father Divine and all the Light they share within my life.

May it serve as a way of supporting healing across our beloved Earth Mother.

Shine Bright,


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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Let’s Pause and Breathe

As I write this Blog it has never been more important that we all pause and breathe. Life is full of experiences, that is for sure. A place where we live, learn and love. Breathing is often talked about, everyone knows they need to do it.

But how often in a 24 hour period do you actually pause and breathe?

I mean really BREATHE! Fully immersed in the action, no other thought or focus?

There is a huge difference. Without deep and mindful breathing our bodies and immunity may become depleted. Our reaction to stress increases and our reactive fight or flight response is heightened. All because we do not think to pause and breathe well.

If you are unsure what it means to breath well, simply begin by noticing your breath and you are on your way.

Ask yourself, in the last 24 hours how many times did I stop and think about my breath?

Maybe try it. Stop, breathe in, be aware of it, even say “I am breathing in….then as you breathe out I am breathing out….” So simple but yet so powerful in helping support your physical and mental health. You will feel calmer instantly.

Breathe well,


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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Oh No Not Again!

Well, I never profess to be a great blogger! I laughed when I looked on the site and saw my last blog title and how long ago it was!

Time continues to flow past and before we know it we have opened our new premises in North Haven, New South Wales, my home town of many, many wonderful years.

This year saw our local area go through much with a recent storm which caused major flooding. I was witness to the incredible resilence of the human heart and how in time of need many realise how connected we all are.

Our area is moving through the ups and not so ups. One thing has remained strong, the bond of a community and the resilence of the Spirit. I feel honoured to call this my home.

Love, prayers of gentleness and healing to everyone who has been affected. To those who reached out to help myself and my family I thank you for your kindness and care.

Within the Studio, the recording work continues to flow with support of many of which I am incredibly grateful! We hope to be soon releasing new products including, Inner Light Expanded - a journey of discovery very soon. This will see an expansion of the free Podcast into a deeper heart space.

This weekend sees Mother’s Day celebrated. To all the Mothers, including my own, how blessed we are to have you. To the Divine Mother, you are my eternal inspiration, you grace us all with your blessed light and love.

Take care everyone, and shine bright, remember the world needs YOU to be YOU!



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Alli Garison Alli Garison


WOW it is hard to believe so much time has gone past since my last Blog.

Time is a funny thing when you truly live moment to moment each moment seems to drift past easily and happily no matter the situation.

December found us busy working and renovating our space to ensure it could deliver the best it possibly could to our patients/clients/students. I thank everyone who supported us and especially to my husband Vic who is the amazing man beside supporting me in all that I do, even in all the hours of painting our new premises!!! :)

We are here to support you on your journey to your greatest Self.

We now find ourselves well and truly settled in our new Clinic/Studio space and have been working along at our new ways of supporting and teaching physical/emotional health.

Some of our new programs will be found here on our website others via podcasts and of course our free podcast Inner Light helps with visualisation, relaxation and breathing strategies to calm and clear the busy mind you will find it here on the website and on Itunes and Spotify.

I apologise to the lovely people who have reached out for attendance at one of our Vedic classes and we were unable to accommodate you.

At this stage classes are full with no new classes on the timetable for the foreseeable future.

Much of what I do now is about helping people live and breathe the teachings of the Vedas, that we do not need to hold or experience the Divine’s peace whilst only on the Yoga Mat. The philosophies run far deeper than this. Please have a look at what else we have to offer as with the wonders of technology you are able to hear, visualise and learn anywhere, anytime.

May your journey of 2021 bring all and more than you dream of and remember that you are so beautiful and unique within your Inner Light.

Shine Bright,



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Alli Garison Alli Garison

A New Beginning

Today sees an exciting time for us within the ability to share our work.

We have found a home, a base from which to continue to share and develop this work. An exciting time of discovery and sharing. Funny thing is it is an old/new beginning seeing me back within a building where my Yoga teaching journey began.

You will find us back at 1/524 Ocean Drive, North Haven and we hope to see you sometime soon once we are fully operational with our Clinic and Studio.

Thank you to everyone who is helping us to make the renovations possible over the next few weeks and to all our wonderful clients and students who have embraced the changes with open arms, hearts and well wishes.

To my family - you are the best. I love you all so much, you inspire me every single day!

Alli & team


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Alli Garison Alli Garison

International Ayurveda Day

Whilst I am a little late in acknowledging International Ayurveda Day, (it was yesterday 13th November) I am late for the wonderful reason. Being I was sharing the knowledge of Ayurveda within the clinic. Learning Ayurveda brought the golden thread that tied all of me together in the tapestry that is nature.

Whilst I had trained and spent years within the portion of the Vedas directly of Yoga it was studying Ayurveda under the incredible knowledge and guidance of Dr Ajit Singh and the AIAS that the truly transformative effect of these ancient philosophies transformed my life.

My prayer is that I am able to share these incredible teachings in a way that help people to truly find and realise their potential. Ayurveda is a gift to humanity, a gift that can be obtained and practised by any age, gender, religion or culture. It understands humans, and in my journey I believe it is the most incredible system for supporting a true balance between heart and mind.

May Ayurveda truly begin to shine across the globe as a bright light for a return to health and nature. I am grateful everyday that it touched and continues to inspire my life.

Alli xx

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Alli Garison Alli Garison

A walk in the forest a long time ago…

I was pottering around the website this morning and decided to add probably one of the most powerful strategies/conversations I began to use within my own life many years ago when I was studying.

One day whilst feeling very inadequate to be able to retain the philosophies I was learning I decided to walk away from the books and go for a walk in the forest.

It wasn’t long after that that I began to realise, I am not just learning this information, I am remembering it from deep within me. I also realised how could I compare myself or my ability to the other students in my class. Did they have the same life experiences, challenges or situations that I did?

It was a powerful moment of realisation that never again can I ever allow my mind to create the doubt or negativity. As long as I knew I had dedicated myself to any situation with all that I had at that moment, I knew it was the best that I could do.

So what was the realisation? That no one else across time has ever tried to have the life I was living, it was my life and it is so unique, so beautiful perhaps with moments of challenges and yet so inspiring. I had learnt how to rise above, adapt and heal. I was the one writing the story! No one else!

Comparing to others was not celebrating the uniqueness of MY LIFE. It was not honouring it or the creations within it I had the potential to create. No one else was living my life with all my experiences or roles I have. To compare to another was to not celebrate my life. I had to dedicate to making it mine that by knowing if I was present and kind I had to trust that I AM ENOUGH!

I hope that by sharing this it might help you to realise what an amazing person and what incredible potential you have.

Shine Bright!

Alli xxx

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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Return to Basics & a slower pace

Wow two blogs in one day! I tell myself I must get more regular with this - mmmmm :)

I apologise as this post is about 4 weeks late! Where does time go?

For some you are aware that I made the decision long ago to follow my heart and withdraw from social media. It is not that I believe or have a judgment that it is wrong. I have continued to simply choose to live and follow my life as closely aligned with nature as possible. Therefore that does not include social media on devices.

I tried social media, I chose to align with nature. I now find myself walking in nature, being inspired by her instead of checking messages and posts. Whilst I miss the interaction with the extended network of family and friends I find that for me to feel grounded in my own presence the walks, swims and stillness of those extra moments each day are ensuring truth in my own actions.

If you feel that anything I have to offer here on our website, within our clinic, counselling or podcast has been of benefit to you I am grateful to you and honoured to be of service.

If you feel you would like to share any of what we do upon your network whichever way that may be, please feel free to do so.

Thank you again for your belief in the work we are sharing.

Take care,



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Alli Garison Alli Garison

Inner Light Series 2

Thank you to everyone who has reached out and shared with us how Inner Light has helped them to bring a deeper sense of calm and peace to their everyday existence. If you feel it is helpful to you please share with others who you feel may like the podcast.

It is with great honour and respect that we bring you Series 2.

My prayer, that we are able to support the rediscovery of the eternal peace, compassion and love that truly lays at the centre of each being.

That together as a collective consciousness of love we are able to truly be the positive ripple of understanding, acceptance and peace across our beautiful Earth. Blessings and may your life inspire you! Alli xxx

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